Unsere natürlichen optimale menschliche Ernährung eine Diät, die unsere hominin-Vorfahren aßen für die letzten 30 Millionen Jahren, nicht anatomisch modernen Menschen in der Steinzeit.

Milos Pokimica

Geschrieben von: Milos Pokimica

Medizinisch Begutachtet Von: Dr. Xiùying Wáng, M.D.

Aktualisiert am 4. August 2023

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Milos Pokimica ist Doktor der Naturheilkunde, klinischer Ernährungsberater, Autor für medizinische Gesundheit und Ernährung sowie Berater für Ernährungswissenschaften. Autor der Buchreihe Zum Veganer werden? Rückblick auf die Wissenschafter betreibt auch das Natürliche Gesundheit website GoVeganWay.com

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Lesezeit: 11 Protokoll

Milos Pokimica ist Doktor der Naturheilkunde, klinischer Ernährungsberater, Autor für medizinische Gesundheit und Ernährung sowie Berater für Ernährungswissenschaften. Autor der Buchreihe Zum Veganer werden? Rückblick auf die Wissenschafter betreibt auch das Natürliche Gesundheit website GoVeganWay.com

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PubMed, #Vegane Diät
  • Optimization of Spirulina-Enriched Vegan Cake Formulation Using Response Surface Methodology
    am März 25, 2025

    Vegan lifestyle is gaining momentum across the globe due to its environmental effects and health benefits. In parallel with the increasing diet trends, the demand for vegan bakery products is increasing. Since vegan bakery products generally have low protein and bioactive compound content, they have little nutritional contribution to the daily diet of vegan individuals. In light of this, a study was conducted to develop a vegan cake formulation enriched with Spirulina to improve the physical,…

  • Plant-based diets and child growth
    am März 25, 2025

    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The EAT-Lancet Commission on Healthy Diets from Sustainable Food Systems recommended a diet that is higher in plant-based food in 2019. Whilst plant-based diets have been followed in many regions of the world, the planetary concern and the published health benefits has increased the uptake of such diets. This review sets out to explore the impact on growth in children following a plant-based diet.

  • Culturally-tailored plant-based interventions to improve health outcomes in pediatric populations: An integrative review
    am März 24, 2025

    INTRODUCTION: There is an increasing rate in nutrition related health risk in children in the United States. Plant-based diets are a sustainable and cost-effective approach to prevent chronic conditions (e.g., obesity, diabetes) while lowering mortality rates. Plant-based diets should meet nutritional requirements to support appropriate growth and development. The purpose of this integrative review was to explore culturally-tailored plant-based dietary interventions to improve health outcomes […]

  • Comparison of health interests and knowledge among 8,799 secondary school pupils following mixed, vegetarian, and vegan diets
    am März 23, 2025

    CONCLUSION: This is the first study to assess health interests and knowledge in school pupils following vegetarian and vegan diets. The results indicate that following a vegetarian or vegan type of diet during childhood and adolescence is associated with a higher level of health knowledge and nutritional understanding.

  • Organophosphorus Flame Retardant, Phthalate, and Alternative Plasticizer Contamination in Novel Plant-Based Food: A Food Safety Investigation
    am März 21, 2025

    With plant-based (PB) diets gaining popularity, ultraprocessed novel plant-based foods (NPBFs) are an increasingly available alternative to animal-based foods (ABFs). The degree of industrial food processing has been associated with higher organophosphorus flame retardant (PFR) and plasticizer contamination. Here, the occurrence of these contaminants in NPBFs was investigated by using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Our findings show differences in contamination levels and…

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Neuestes von PubMed, #pflanzliche Ernährung
  • Association between plant-based diets and depressive symptoms among Chinese middle-aged and older adults
    von Li Zhang am März 26, 2025

    This study aimed to evaluate associations between plant-based diets and the prevalence of depressive symptoms (DepS) among Chinese middle-aged and older adults. This study included 3153 participants aged 45 and older. Dietary intake was collected using a food frequency questionnaire, and DepS was evaluated using the 9-item Patient Health Questionnaire. Foods were classified into 17 groups and three plant-based diet indices were created, including the overall plant-based diet index (PDI),…

  • Influence of Vitamin D and Its Analogues in Type-B Lymphomas
    von Valerio Basile am März 26, 2025

    Lymphomas represent a heterogeneous group of blood tumors, generally divided into non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) (90% of all lymphomas) and Hodgkin lymphoma (HL). High-grade NHL can rapidly progress so that new strategies and potentially therapeutical options are needed. Recently, it was shown that Vitamin D (VitD) inhibits the growth of cancer cells, controls their invasion and metastasis, and strengthens the antitumor activity of various types of chemotherapeutic anticancer agents. Therefore, […]

  • Optimal dietary patterns for healthy aging
    von Anne-Julie Tessier am März 25, 2025

    As the global population ages, it is critical to identify diets that, beyond preventing noncommunicable diseases, optimally promote healthy aging. Here, using longitudinal questionnaire data from the Nurses’ Health Study (1986-2016) and the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study (1986-2016), we examined the association of long-term adherence to eight dietary patterns and ultraprocessed food consumption with healthy aging, as assessed according to measures of cognitive, physical and mental […]

  • Plant-based diets and child growth
    von Rosan Meyer am März 25, 2025

    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The EAT-Lancet Commission on Healthy Diets from Sustainable Food Systems recommended a diet that is higher in plant-based food in 2019. Whilst plant-based diets have been followed in many regions of the world, the planetary concern and the published health benefits has increased the uptake of such diets. This review sets out to explore the impact on growth in children following a plant-based diet.

  • Monkey as seed dispersers of Neotropical Vanilla involves social learning
    von E R Pansarin am März 25, 2025

    Social learning comprises the processes by which individuals acquire new information about environment and behaviour through observation and interaction with their parents and members of their community. In the orchid genus Vanilla, seed dispersal is mediated by vertebrates. Although primates have never been observed consuming vanilla pods under experimental conditions, monkeys have been proposed as possible seed dispersers of Vanilla in Central Brazil. Here, I investigate mechanisms involved […]

  • Culturally-tailored plant-based interventions to improve health outcomes in pediatric populations: An integrative review
    von Linda Koh am März 24, 2025

    INTRODUCTION: There is an increasing rate in nutrition related health risk in children in the United States. Plant-based diets are a sustainable and cost-effective approach to prevent chronic conditions (e.g., obesity, diabetes) while lowering mortality rates. Plant-based diets should meet nutritional requirements to support appropriate growth and development. The purpose of this integrative review was to explore culturally-tailored plant-based dietary interventions to improve health outcomes […]
