Krebs, The Forbidden Cures- Rife Machine, Historischer Rückblick
Geschrieben von: Milos Pokimica
Medizinisch Begutachtet Von: Dr. Xiùying Wáng, M.D.
Aktualisiert am 9. Juni 2023Royal Raymond Rife developed technology that is still commonly used today in the fields of optics, microscopy, electronics, radiochemistry, biochemistry, ballistics, and aviation and particularly in imaging and medical microscopy. Royal Raymond Rife also developed technology (Rife Machine) that was surprised that you probably don’t know about. In life, he was awarded 14 different rewards. Rife attended Heidelberg University in Germany. He received an honorary Doctor of Parasitology degree there. Rife also received an honorary Doctor of Science degree from the University of Southern California in 1936.
Zu den Erfindungen von Rifle gehören das Überlagerungs-Ultraviolettmikroskop, ein Mikrodissektor und ein Mikromanipulator.
He was not just some quack like most of the “educated” people in the field of medicine will like you to believe. His original business while still attending the university was with the firm of Carl Zeiss, at their New York City offices, and later at their offices in Germany where he worked directly with Carl Zeiss, Hans Luckel, and other scientists in the research, design, and production of excellent microscopes. He spent five years working with that group while he was attending the University of Heidelberg. It is stated that Rife worked with the United States Navy before and during World War One and that he was commissioned as a Lt. Commander USNR. During the years just before the great depression, Dr. Rife worked for both the United States Government and the Carl Zeiss Optics firm. At one period, his monetary base dissolved and he took a job as a chauffeur for multimillionaire Henry Timkin. Dr. Rife’s association with Henry Timkin served well for both of them. Timkin fabricated roller bearings. Some of the bearings were crumbling down due to imperfections in the steel used to create the bearings. Rife designed and built an X-ray device that monitored every bearing getting out and discarded every faulty one before it could be sent out as a finished product. He saved the company millions. Timkin was so satisfied that he established a monthly lifetime payment to Rife for providing the specialized X-ray machine for his production environment.
Henry Timkin und sein Partner Bridges waren von Dr. Rife und seiner Arbeit weiterhin so fasziniert, dass sie einen Fonds gründeten, um ein komplett ausgestattetes Labor in Point Loma, Kalifornien, zu finanzieren und die Kosten für ein Forschungsprogramm in dem neu geschaffenen Labor zu tragen . In dem oben erwähnten Labor führte er die meisten seiner Experimente durch. Zeitweise beschäftigte Rife bis zu zwölf Laborassistenten für ihn. Im Jahr 1916 konnten die leistungsstärksten Mikroskope eine Vergrößerung von 2500 Durchmessern erreichen. Mit diesem Instrument konnte ein Wissenschaftler Parasiten, Schimmel und viele Bakterien erkennen, aber niemand hatte einen Virus gesehen.
Rife built a magnifying instrument that worked on a different principle than the existing microscopes of his day. The first microscope that enabled him to see a virus was built in 1920. Rife was the creator of the Universal Microscope which he introduced to the world in 1933 as the world’s most powerful microscope. One of the various attractive characteristics of this microscope is that, in contrast to the Electron Microscope, the Universal Microscope does not kill the specimens under observation and allows observation of actual living specimens in all conditions, indicating it does not rely on fixing or staining to render visibility or definition. With his microscope, Rife became the first human being actually to see a live virus, and until quite recently, the Universal Microscope was the only one who was able to observe living viruses. Modern electron microscopes instantly kill everything. The rife microscope can see the bustling activity of living viruses as they change form to accommodate changes in an environment, replicate rapidly in response to carcinogens, and transform normal cells into tumor cells. Rife managed this by utilizing various forms of lighting to bring the virus within visibility. He first used the technique of using light to stain the subjects because he understood that the particles of the chemical stains were much too large to enter into the structures he attempted to visualize.
Furthermore, stains used in microscopy are often lethal to the specimens. One factor allowing these original images was Rife’s use of a tool called a Risley counter-rotating prism. The refracted and polarized ray will normally hidden organism that is invisible and would become visible in color peculiar to their structure or chemical make-up. All optical elements were made of block quartz, which permits the passage of ultraviolet rays. Dadurch hat Rife herausgefunden, dass verschiedene Bakterien und Viren in unterschiedlichen Frequenzen leuchten. Wenn Sie die Wissenschaft dahinter nicht verstehen, können Sie diesen Artikel lesen Krebs, die verbotene Heilungsmaschine, wissenschaftliche Rezension. Dies bewies, dass Organismen anhand ihres Brechungsindex, also ihrer Resonanzfrequenz, klassifiziert werden konnten. Mit anderen Worten: Er fand heraus, dass sie in unterschiedlichen Frequenzen schwingen. Rife klassifizierte langsam die einzigartige spektroskopische Signatur jeder Mikrobe mithilfe eines Schlitzspektroskopaufsatzes. Dann drehte er nach und nach Prismen, um Licht einer individuellen Wellenlänge auf den Mikroorganismus zu fokussieren, den er untersuchte. Dann stimmte es mit der spektroskopischen Signaturfrequenz der Mikrobe überein, basierend auf der mittlerweile nachgewiesenen Tatsache, dass jedes Molekül mit seiner eigenen Frequenz schwingt.
Mithilfe einer resonanten Wellenlänge werden Mikroorganismen, die in weißem Licht nicht sichtbar sind, plötzlich als Lichtblitz sichtbar, wenn sie der Farbfrequenz ausgesetzt werden, die mit ihrer ausgeprägten spektroskopischen Signatur in Resonanz steht. Rife war in der Lage, diese ansonsten unsichtbaren Organismen zu sehen und ihr Verhalten zu beobachten. Er konnte Organismen beobachten, die sonst niemand mit gewöhnlichen Mikroskopen sehen konnte.
Rife was so far ahead of his co-workers in the 1930s that it was hard for them to understand what he was actually doing without traveling directly to San Diego to Rife’s laboratory to look for themselves through his Virus Microscope. And several did precisely that. One was Virginia Livingston. She ultimately went from New Jersey to Rife’s Point Loma (San Diego) neighborhood to live and became a regular visitor to his lab. Virginia Livingston is now given credit for identifying the organism which causes human cancer, based on research papers she published in 1948. The real truth is that Rife had identified the human cancer virus in 1920. He called the cancer virus ‘Cryptocides primordiales.’ Virginia Livingston renamed it to ‘Progenitor Cryptocides.’ Royal Rife was never even stated in her papers.
In fact, Rife rarely got credit for his monumental discoveries. He was a modest, humble scientist, committed to expanding his discoveries rather than to ambition, fame, and glory. He started research work on tuberculosis in 1920. In a short time, it became clear to Rife there was more involved in this disease than a bacterium. This encouraged him to develop “virus” microscopes, of which two preceded the Universal. Rife was the first scientist to isolate and photographed active tuberculosis as well as many other viruses. Rife also worked in isolating a virus specific to cancer, seeing it gave off a unique purple-red emanation. There was no success until Rife by mistake left a tube in the light of an ionizing lamp. He noticed the tube became clouded, registering activity.
Ihre Arbeit führt zur ersten erfolgreichen Kultivierung des Virus außerhalb eines lebenden Wirts. Rife extracted the cancer virus from a ” human breast mass.” He filtered, cultured, and re-cultured these over ten times over a two hundred and forty-hour period. They inserted the last-generation culture into the live rat. The rat would inevitably develop cancer. Rife would then extract cancer, extract the virus, and repeat the process. He did this procedure over four hundred times.
He established categorically that the virus-induced cancerous tumors in every instance. After Dr. Rife know how to see a virus, the next logical step became to devise a method to kill the virus or microbe without damage to the host. Since the days of Nikola Tesla and his work, men of science had known of the connection of frequencies with the operation of the human body, so Rife turned to electromagnetic frequencies because he could detect bacteria and viruses to unique frequencies and then expose them and watch the effects. He found that each microorganism had a distinct frequency to which it resonates and was defenseless. Rife termed this the “tödliche Oszillationsrate.”
Over and over again he would observe the virus absorbing energy and dying when a certain frequency was applied. Sometimes they even exploded. He created charts revealing which frequency settings would kill which microbe or virus. If he did not invent his microscope, there would have been no treatment based on resonance. Numerous reports and news stories emerged concerning these extraordinary achievements. His work became known to many physicians in the Southern California area. Some of them even came from all over the United States to observe what he was doing and verify his results. In November 1931, Dr. Milbank Johnson called forty-four Los Angeles area doctors to his home in Pasadena, California to acknowledge Rife for the work he was performing. Dr. Royal Rife was acknowledged as the man who ended all diseases that ever existed. Well, at least the ones that are infectious and can be bombarded with resonance. The banquet was even called “The End of All Disease.”
Im Jahr 1934 brachte eine Gruppe von Ärzten unter der Leitung von Dr. Milbank Johnson aus Pasadena, Kalifornien, in einem von der University of California gesponserten Experiment 16 todkranke Patienten aus einem Krankenhaus in San Diego. Sie wurden neunzig Tage lang mit den von Dr. Royal Rife empfohlenen Frequenzen bestrahlt, um Resonanz zu aktivieren und Krebs zu zerstören.
Es war das erste Mal in der Geschichte, dass todkranke Krebspatienten vollständig geheilt wurden.
Lesen Sie diesen Satz noch einmal.
Es war das erste Mal in der Geschichte, dass todkranke Krebspatienten vollständig geheilt wurden.
Vierzehn der Patienten waren zu diesem Zeitpunkt völlig krebsfrei. Anschließend wurde die Therapie angepasst, d. h. die Resonanzfrequenz und auch die verbleibenden zwei Patienten reagierten darauf.
The recovery rate for patients that have non-treatable cancer and were declared terminally ill by the accepted medical industry by utilizing Rife’s resonant technology was 100%.
Lesen Sie diesen Satz noch einmal.
Die Genesungsrate für Patienten, die an nicht behandelbarem Krebs leiden und von der anerkannten medizinischen Industrie für unheilbar krank erklärt wurden utilizing Rife’s resonant Die Technik war 100 %.
Through 1939 Dr. Rife was formally summoned to address the Royal Society of Medicine in London, England, which had verified his findings. He further received invitations to lecture in France and Germany. Dr. R. Seidel described and formally published the Rife Ray Tube system therapy for the treatment of cancer in the journal of the Franklin Institute in February 1944. Dr. Rife’s treatments of the virus and bacterial infections and his microscopes were described and praised by the Smithsonian Institute in an article published in the Institute publication during 1944. A report from the Smithsonian Institution confirms Rife’s work. Titled “The New Microscope” by Dr. R.E. Seidel (report #3781) it states:
“Under the Universal Microscope disease organisms such as those of cancer … and another disease may be observed to succumb when exposed to certain lethal frequencies…”
Es dauerte eine lange Zeit, Jahre seines Lebens, bis Rife 48 Stunden am Stück arbeitete, bis er die Frequenzen entdeckte, die Herpes, Kinderlähmung, spinale Meningitis, Tetanus, Grippe und eine immense Anzahl anderer gefährlicher Krankheitsorganismen explizit zerstörten.
At first, an attempt was made to buy out Rife. Morris Fishbein, a physician who became the editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association, sent an attorney to Rife with “an offer he can’t refuse.”
Rife lehnte ab.
Wir werden die genauen Bedingungen dieses Angebots nie erfahren, aber es ist sehr wahrscheinlich, dass sie nicht wollten, dass seine Maschine im Handel erhältlich wird. Sie versuchten wahrscheinlich, ihn zu bestechen, um seine Erfindung zu zerstören. Als Fishbein beispielsweise Hoxsey ein ähnliches Angebot machte, lehnte er ab. Fishbein nutzte seine immens starken Regierungsverbände, um Hoxsey innerhalb von 16 Monaten 125 Mal verhaften zu lassen. Die Anklage wurde immer außergerichtlich abgewiesen, aber die Schikanen gingen weiter. Es wurde so schlimm, dass AMA in jedem Postamt im ganzen Land Flugblätter aushängte, um den Menschen Angst vor der Anwendung von Hoxsey und anderen alternativen Krebsbehandlungen zu machen. Wir müssen jedoch verstehen, dass er nicht allein gehandelt hat. Zu dieser Zeit war er nur ein AMA-Frontmann. Später im Jahr 1961 wurde er Gründungsherausgeber von Medical World News, einer Zeitschrift für Ärzte.
However, Fishbein and the AMA must have recognized that this approach would backfire if used on Rife. They could not arrest Rife as they could Hoxsey for practicing medicine without the license. Also, the trial that was compiled on trumped-up charges would mean that prominent medical authorities working with Rife would introduce their testimony supporting Rife and the word of his invention would come out to the general public. The defense would surely introduce evidence such as the 1934 medical study done with USC. If they have a public trial about a painless therapy that cured 100% of terminal cancer patients with medical proof and also cost nothing to use but a little electricity. Well, that was not what the powers at be wanted. Rife didn’t just show himself from nowhere. He was a well-known scientist that had spent decades collecting precise evidence of his work. He had film and stop-motion photographs that could be released to the public and so on.
Sie mussten unterschiedliche Taktiken anwenden und sie wurden genutzt.
The first incident was the gradual disappearance of film, photographs, components, written records, and other evidence from Rife’s lab. The culprit was never caught.
Während Rife dann versuchte, seine fehlenden Daten zu reproduzieren (als keine Computer verfügbar waren), zerstörte jemand seine teuren Virenmikroskope.
Then the entire laboratory “mysteriously” burned at the time when the men running the laboratory were visiting Rife in San Diego.
Then the papers in Rife’s laboratory in San Diego “mysteriously” disappeared, as did parts of his microscopes.
The final blow happened later when police illegally seized the rest of Rife’s 50 years of research.
Dann war Dr. Milbank Johnson der Arzt, der Dr. Royal Rife am meisten zu Anerkennung für seine Arbeit verhalf. Eines Tages wurde er 1944 wegen eines von den behandelnden Ärzten als geringfügig eingestuften Problems ins Krankenhaus gebracht, wo er jedoch „auf mysteriöse Weise“ an einer Lebensmittelvergiftung starb.
Rife and partners had set up a company called the Ray Beam Tube Corporation to build the Rife Machine. He had given employment and a contract to an engineer to handle production. Fishbein supposedly supported the engineer to bring suit against Rife. The suit was long and expensive. Rife won, but the cost of the suit caused the financial destruction of the company and in time of the great depression end of production. A huge pile of cash was spent to ensure that doctors who had seen Rife’s therapy and knew about his work would forget everything or else were threatened by the American Medical Association and the State of California with the loss of their licenses if they continued on the program. Arthur Kendall, who worked with Rife on the cancer virus, accepted almost a quarter of a million dollars to suddenly ‘retire’ in Mexico. Dr. George Dock, who collaborated with Rife, was silenced with an enormous grant, along with the highest honors the AMA could bestow. Dr. Couche and Dr. Milbank Johnson also gave up Rife’s work and went back to prescribing drugs.
This treatment emotionally destroyed Rife himself and his entire program dissolved. The loss of his lab and the mental and emotional results of the lawsuit was enough to make Rife become an alcoholic. During 1950 Rife worked to improve energy instruments with John Crane. John Crane ended up with the right to the microscopes. In 1960 Medical officials invaded Crane’s lab and confiscated all of the devices and records. That was not enough, so he was also charged by the State of California for committing fraud and sent to prison.
Rife soll zu diesem Zeitpunkt nach Mexiko geflohen sein. Nach diesem letzten Vorfall arbeitete er mit niemandem mehr zusammen. Rife starb 1971 im Grossman Hospital in El Cajon, Kalifornien, an einem Herzinfarkt, nachdem er die letzten Jahre seines Lebens in einem Pflegeheim in El Cajon verbracht hatte. Er hatte weder Freunde noch Geld. Er entdeckte einen unglaublich einfachen, elektronischen Ansatz zur Heilung aller Krankheiten. Er machte die kostengünstige Entdeckung, die das Leid unzähliger Millionen Menschen beenden könnte. Es hätte das Leben auf der Erde für immer verändert. Sicherlich würde die medizinische Welt sich beeilen, es mit jeder nur erdenklichen Auszeichnung und finanziellen Belohnung anzunehmen. Sie haben sich für ein universelles Heilmittel entschieden, das Medikamente überflüssig macht, und die einzigen Kosten für deren Nutzung sind Strom, sodass die Pharmaindustrie möglicherweise begeistert sein wird, von Ihrer Arbeit zu hören. Natürlich, Einige von Ihnen halten dies vielleicht nur für eine amüsante Fiktion. Recherchieren Sie selbst und glauben Sie, was Sie wollen. Tatsächlich könnte diese Technologie großes Potenzial haben, wenn sie richtig entwickelt wird. Die einzige Frage hier ist: Könnten Sie alle Viren bekämpfen oder nur einige davon? Wir wissen, dass er den Krebs zu 100 Prozent geheilt hat. Wenn die Resonanz der Mikroben jedoch zu nah an der der übrigen menschlichen Zellen liegt, würde die Strahlung einen Teil der Energie auf sie übertragen und normales Gewebe verbrennen. Wenn die Frequenz jedoch unterschiedlich ist, könnte dies funktionieren. Heutzutage gibt es beispielsweise Tausende von Menschen, bei denen eine Lyme-Borreliose diagnostiziert wurde, aber eine Antibiotikabehandlung bringt keine langfristige Linderung. Die Rife-Maschinentherapie erweist sich als wertvolle und einzige verfügbare Langzeittherapie für die Lyme-Borreliose. Aber wir würden es nie wirklich erfahren. Von der Arbeit von Rife sind keine Originaldaten übrig geblieben. Nach ihm wurde nie eine Wissenschaft betrieben.
Das Ausmaß dieses wahnsinnigen Verbrechens übertrifft jeden Massenmord in der Geschichte.
Ausgewählte Passagen aus einem Buch: Pokimica, Milos. Zum Veganer werden? Rückblick auf die Wissenschaft Teil 2. Kindle-Ausgabe, Amazon, 2018.
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Milos Pokimica ist Doktor der Naturheilkunde, klinischer Ernährungsberater, Autor für medizinische Gesundheit und Ernährung sowie Berater für Ernährungswissenschaften. Autor der Buchreihe Zum Veganer werden? Rückblick auf die Wissenschafter betreibt auch das Natürliche Gesundheit website
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Herausgeber-Tipps –
Milos Pokimica ist Doktor der Naturheilkunde, klinischer Ernährungsberater, Autor für medizinische Gesundheit und Ernährung sowie Berater für Ernährungswissenschaften. Autor der Buchreihe Zum Veganer werden? Rückblick auf die Wissenschafter betreibt auch das Natürliche Gesundheit website
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