Cancer, The Forbidden Cures- Immuno-augmentative therapy (IAT)
Dr. Lawrence Burton developed a system (Immuno-augmentative therapy) that could attack tumors in the early sixties. Then came the contract negotiations. Burton became the enemy.
Milos Pokimica
Written By: Milos Pokimica
Medically Reviewed by: Dr. Xiùying Wáng, M.D.
Updated June 9, 2023The list of suppressing cancer therapies that were never tested by the FDA that we do know about is very long. If the average person would go thru the litany and read all of the congressional investigations looking into cancer and read the 1963 hearings on Krebiozen or for example 1981 hearings of Senator Paula Hawkins from Florida that was investigating the fraud in the National Cancer Institute I think that it would be a lot of anger and emotions and uproar.
In 1986 an uproar among cancer patients forced Congress to look into yet another one of the charges of medical suppression.
The pattern was the same.
Cancer researcher Lawrence Burton, Ph.D., had a successful cancer treatment by Immuno-augmentative therapy (IAT) that was developed by him. He claimed that it could control all forms of cancer by restoring natural immune defenses. A form of vaccination line therapy for tumors where the immune system is trained to recognize the tumor. He was injecting blood serum proteins isolated with processes he had patented. Dr. Burton’s activity focused on cytokines.

These are proteins that produce cell signaling functions inside the immune system. Some of these were later called TNF. He discovered that these could kill the tumor initially, but in time it stops to work. Dr. Burton’s theory was that to avoid toxicity in the body something must block TNF from attacking the tumor. He theorized that there must be a blocking protein. He thought that if he could eliminate the blocking protein, TNF would be capable of attacking cancer. He analyzed more than 3000 patients with the conclusion that cancer patients have a distinct profile that involves too little unblocking protein, and too much-blocking protein. In his theory, to test it he every day took a small amount of blood from the subject to measure different immune factors. Many blood plasma shots from donors are given throughout the day to balance the proteins. The process has been shown to extend the lives of many patients with advanced diseases considerably and to give them an enhanced quality of life. However, Burton did not publish detailed clinical reports, divulge the details of his methods, publish meaningful statistics, conduct a controlled trial, or provide independent investigators with specimens of his treatment materials for analysis.
He constancy accused a government that it wants to get hold of his work and was a bit paranoid. However, he was probably right, and the pattern proved to be the same.
National Cancer Institute accused him of quackery and refused investigation. If you ask the American Cancer Society, the existence of blocking and deblocking proteins has not been verified, and IAT is an unproven treatment.
However, today we know that this treatment is more effective than any other treatment for some specific forms of cancer. Not for all but for some it is extremely useful. For example, treatment is a success with mesothelioma – cancer caused by asbestos. For this form of cancer, the response is better than any other known therapy in the world or it can be used as an addendum to traditional treatments.
However, it does not matter. He did not want to sell.
Burton later charged the NCI with illegally trying to attain his methods. They come after him like they always do so under pressure he moved his clinic to the Bahamas in the 1970s. And It should also be noted that it was through Dr. Burton’s research that TNF (Tumor Necrosis Factor) was discovered. He was not a quack.
Dr. Lawrence Burton developed a system that could attack tumors in the early sixties. In the early stages of research, he got funding (The Damon Runyon Fund). The American Cancer Society sent him someone to work with him. Over the next two years, Dr. Burton’s research flourished and expands. Invited by the American Cancer Society to a national seminar of oncologists he did demonstrate his methods. In 1965, Burton did experiments on mice with solid tumors.
It was observed by the American Cancer Society science editor himself, and he was shocked by what he saw. He reported:
“They injected the mice, and the lumps went down before your eyes – something I never believed possible.”
The following year in 1966, under the American Cancer Society. Dr. Burton appeared before the New York Academy of Sciences and performed a demonstration in front of 70 scientists and 200 science writers. Mice were vaccinated with the serum, and ninety minutes later, the tumors had nearly disappeared basically before your own eyes, and all of this was in front of 70 scientists. Allegedly.
Sounds too good to be true. Newspapers throughout the world ran the story on their front pages while the prestigious peer journals got their story from an investigator for Sloan-Kettering and Dr. Castle from the American Cancer Society. The Los Angeles Examiner wrote
“Fifteen Minute Cancer Cure for Mice: Humans Next?”.
Philadelphia Bulletin:
“Demonstrated before our very eyes that injection of a mysterious serum…caused the disappearance of massive tumors in mice within a few hours.”
However, the real cure is not what they want, so the medical community did not approve. They challenged the validity of the trial and advised that it has to be done by some trickery.
Five top scientists were so enraged they organized a press conference. However, they were persuaded by their colleagues to cancel it. Later that year Dr. Burton and his associate Dr. Friedman were invited by the New York Academy of Medicine to repeat the experiment. This time, of sixteen mice with cancer on display, the gathered assembly of oncologists and pathologists chose which of them should be injected with the tumor-inhibiting factors. To avoid magic tricks neither Dr. Burton nor Dr. Friedman gave the serum. The result was the same as in the previous experiment. Again too good to be true.
However, their precautions made no difference, as yet again he was accused of faking the whole experiment.
Then came the contract negotiations. The big wigs, NCI, Sloan-Kettering, and American Cancer Society wanted to buy it up from Burton.
They would give him grants and credit for it, but they wanted the rights.
Burton turned them down.
Burton became the enemy.
The funding stopped.
Invitations to speak vanished.
Publications refused to publish.
The attacks began.
After he moved his clinic, he probably thought that he was safe, but his problems did not end there. It was successful therapy and a threat to the system of control.
He and his clinic had to go no matter if they are not on the territory under the control of the American government directly.
In 1985 CNN and all other government control propaganda lunch the campaign against the clinic.
Burton’s serum came from human blood. So in 1985, in a speech by the Deputy Director of the National Cancer Institute, it was mentioned as if in an aside, that Burton’s IAT specimens contained HIV. Supposedly two families returning from his clinic to us had brought back 18 sealed IAT specimens. A Washington State blood bank examined them, and all of them contained hepatitis B while some tested positive for HIV. The Bahamian Ministry of Health and Pan American Health Organization visited Burton’s clinic, and in July of 1985, the Bahamian Government closed the clinic. Burton reopened his clinic in March of the following year, but in July, the FDA issued an import ban prohibiting anyone from bringing IAT into the United States. This ban is still in effect. And guess what, the congressional committee has since made these findings:
“IAT Clinic was closed in July 1985 based upon a false and alarming claim spread by NCI personnel of an aids risk “.
They concluded that the contamination report was false.
It came from a high NCI official. The inaccurate report was circulated in the AMA Journal, the officials from the White House and State Department. Even the families who had brought back sealed IAT specimens into the US never contracted hepatitis B nor were they ever tested to be HIV positive.
The closure of the Clinic accidentally coincided with the US releasing new drugs strikingly similar to the Burton one like Interleukin-2. As a result, 38 congressmen signed the formal request for the independent federal evaluation of “alternative” cancer therapies.
The reality is that there is a premeditated, well-organized, global conspiracy to control and abuse and maintain the status quo. To prevent any threat to the system by finding the cure or “alternative” non-patentable therapies or mechanisms that could not be regulated by the institutions.
The system includes the FDA, the Federal Government, parts of Congress, Big pharma, and so on. The way of business has been established, and they are not going to let anyone from the outside threaten their inner club.
When I did my initial research into medical suppression, I did not think I would find much. What I did find didn’t surprise me but what surprised me is the sheer number of cases. It is not just a couple of them. I stop my research at about 15. I lost the will. What suppressed me is that in the era of information technology there is no real discussion or knowledge about this in society. It is not that 1 percent of psychopaths that run this show are doing what they are doing, it is surprising that the rest of 99% of the population is docile. The information is available, but there is a low level of understanding. Freedom of information is freedom of choice. If this course of business continues in the near future, the information itself will be suppressed.
Passages selected from a book: Pokimica, Milos. Go Vegan? Review of Science Part 2. Kindle ed., Amazon, 2018.
- Moss, Ralph W. Ph.D., “The Cancer Industry, Unraveling the Politics,” Chapter 12: “Burton’s Immunological Method,” Paragon House,1996
- Burton, Lawrence, et al., “The Purification and Action of Tumor Factor Extracted from Mouse and Human Neoplastic Tissue,” Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences, 21:700-707, June 1959.
- Pelton, Ross, and Lee Overholser, “Alternatives in Cancer Therapy: The Complete Guide to Non-traditional Treatments.” Chapter 22, “Immuno-Augmentative Therapy,” New York: Fireside, 1994
- “Best-Case Series for the Use of Immuno-Augmentation Therapy and Naltrexone for the Treatment of Cancer. Summary.” Evidence Report/Technology Assessment: No. 7. AHRQ Publication No. 03-E029. April 2003.
- The Burton Goldberg Group, Alternative Medicine, The Definitive Guide, “Immuno-Augmentative Therapy (IAT),” pages 576-577, Future Medicine Publishing, 1993
IAT – Immune Augmentation Therapy Non-Toxic Cancer Immunotherapy Toll-Free phone in US and Canada: 561-766-0878
604 East Street – P.O. Box 10 Otho, Iowa 50569 USA 515-972-4444 Fax: 515-972-4415
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Milos Pokimica is a doctor of natural medicine, clinical nutritionist, medical health and nutrition writer, and nutritional science advisor. Author of the book series Go Vegan? Review of Science, he also operates the natural health website
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Milos Pokimica is a doctor of natural medicine, clinical nutritionist, medical health and nutrition writer, and nutritional science advisor. Author of the book series Go Vegan? Review of Science, he also operates the natural health website
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