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The goal of GoVeganWay is to bring to you, and your doctor, the latest research in the field of nutritional science. The goal of GoVeganWay is to represent evidence-based health research in a way that is easy to understand so that we can all benefit from the available science.

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Water fluoridation- Scientific review
Water fluoridation- Scientific review
Fluoride inactivates 62 enzymes in the body, inactivates DNA and RNA repair enzymes activity, it is mutagenic, causes DNA damage, increases cancers and all other diseases correlated with mutations, disrupts the immune system.
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Acrylamide exposure- Chips, fries, and cancer
Acrylamide exposure- Chips, fries, and cancer
Acrylamide is classified as a Group 2A human carcinogen. In 2002 it was discovered in extremely high concentrations in potato chips and French fries.
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Astaxanthin Benefits: World’s Most Powerful Natural Antioxidant
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The McGovern Report- Special Interest and The Suppression of Science
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