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The goal of GoVeganWay is to bring to you, and your doctor, the latest research in the field of nutritional science. The goal of GoVeganWay is to represent evidence-based health research in a way that is easy to understand so that we can all benefit from the available science.
Are Fish Animals? A Cultural Perspective
In some cultures, fish meat is not considered to be meat, and fish is allowed even during fast.
Homemade Natural Mouthwash: Proven, Stronger & Less Toxic
Homemade natural mouthwash is stronger than chlorhexidine, less toxic and if swallowed might give you some nausea but also a high burst in ORAC value.
How to Stop Tooth Decay: Symptoms, Causes & Prevention
Sugar consumption is the main cause of cavities and tooth decay, combined with mineral deficiencies especially magnesium, zinc, copper and trace elements.
Amla: Proven Benefits, Nutrition And Clinical Significance
Amla is one of the world’s most powerful antioxidants with a ORAC score of 261,530. It is a rich source of phytochemicals that have various health benefits.
Methylene Blue: Therapeutic Uses and Clinical Significance
Methylene Blue is a powerful synthetic antioxidant. It improves mitochondrial function and the ability of our cells to produce energy.
Chlorella Benefits: Plant-Based B12, Iron, Zinc & Detox
Chlorella is a vegan source of B12, iron and zinc, has strong chelation properties for heavy metals, boosts immune system, lowers cholesterol and anemia risk.
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How to Fast: Fasting Foods That Won’t Break Autophagy
Autophagy. Have you ever wondered what happens to the cells in your body when they die or get damaged? Do they just pile up and create problems, or do they get disposed of somehow? The answer is that your body…
Sweets Teeth Sensitivity & Pain: Quick Fix & Lasting Solution
A quick and easy fix for pain relief is clove essential oil, a powerful antioxidant and pain reliever that can help with gum disease and toothache.
Green Beans: Nutrition and Health Benefits
Green beans are low in calories and rich in natural compounds that can help you control your blood sugar, lower your cholesterol, and fight off free radicals.
Can You Eat Mushrooms Raw: Health Risks, Nutrition & Safety
Mushrooms have heat-sensitive toxins like hydrazine or agaritine, and cell walls made out of chitin that cannot be digested well by humans.
Are Fish Animals? A Cultural Perspective
In some cultures, fish meat is not considered to be meat, and fish is allowed even during fast.
Homemade Natural Mouthwash: Proven, Stronger & Less Toxic
Homemade natural mouthwash is stronger than chlorhexidine, less toxic and if swallowed might give you some nausea but also a high burst in ORAC value.
How to Stop Tooth Decay: Symptoms, Causes & Prevention
Sugar consumption is the main cause of cavities and tooth decay, combined with mineral deficiencies especially magnesium, zinc, copper and trace elements.
Amla: Proven Benefits, Nutrition And Clinical Significance
Amla is one of the world’s most powerful antioxidants with a ORAC score of 261,530. It is a rich source of phytochemicals that have various health benefits.
Methylene Blue: Therapeutic Uses and Clinical Significance
Methylene Blue is a powerful synthetic antioxidant. It improves mitochondrial function and the ability of our cells to produce energy.
Chlorella Benefits: Plant-Based B12, Iron, Zinc & Detox
Chlorella is a vegan source of B12, iron and zinc, has strong chelation properties for heavy metals, potential to lower cholesterol, reduce anemia, and boost the immune system.
Spirulina Benefits: Phycocyanin Rich Superfood
Spirulina has strong antioxidant, anticancer, antiviral, and immunomodulatory properties as ell as a capacity to combat obesity, diabetes, and cholesterol.
Low Histamine Diet and Histamine Intolerance: Complete Gide
One way to manage histamine intolerance is to follow a low histamine diet. This means avoiding foods that are high in histamine or that can trigger its release.
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Alcohol health risks- The “French paradox”, “the wine”, and “in moderation”
Somehow we believe that one glass of wine is not all that bad, or even worse, we believe in alcohol health-promoting myth because of the grape’s antioxidants.
Spirulina Benefits: Phycocyanin Rich Superfood
Spirulina has strong antioxidant, anticancer, antiviral, and immunomodulatory properties as ell as a capacity to combat obesity, diabetes, and cholesterol.
Water fluoridation- Scientific review
Fluoride inactivates 62 enzymes in the body, inactivates DNA and RNA repair enzymes activity, it is mutagenic, causes DNA damage, increases cancers and all other diseases correlated with mutations, disrupts the immune system.
Farmed fish- “Cesspool” paradise
Farmed fish have up to ten times more pollutants. After vaccination fish is always on antibiotics and pesticides.
Brain size, intelligence and meat consumption- The vegan argument
Combining some amount of foraged meat to the predominantly vegan diet did not become a pivotal force in the emergence of human intelligence and brain size.
Intravenous Vitamin C in the Treatment of Influenza: Living Proof from Clinical Practice
When you want intravenous vitamin C administered in the hospital, you don’t tell your doctor. Instead, you tell your lawyer to tell your doctor, in writing.