L'histoire de Big Pharma - IG Farben
La partie du monopole des Rockefeller sur les industries chimiques et médicales est entrée en vigueur après la Seconde Guerre mondiale. La coopération entre Standard Oil et IG Farben en a fait une réalité.
Milos Pokimica
Écrit par : Milos Pokimica
Examiné Médicalement Par : Dr. Xiùying Wáng, M.D.
Mis à jour le 7 mai 2023”La liberté d'une démocratie n'est pas sûre si le peuple tolère la croissance du pouvoir privé à un point tel qu'il devient plus fort que son État démocratique lui-même. C'est, dans son essence, le fascisme - la propriété du gouvernement par un individu, par un groupe ou par tout pouvoir privé contrôlant.”
-Président Franklin D. Roosevelt
The part of Rockefeller’s monopoly on chemical and medicine industries came into fulfillment after WW2. And this is on a global scale, not the just US. Rockefeller and Rothschild’s cooperation made this into reality.
On the other side of the Atlantic, the international drug and chemical cartel, IG Farben, called “a state within a state” was created in 1925 as Interessen Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie Aktien Gesellschaft, usually known as IG Farben, which simply meant “The Cartel.” IG Farben had an absolute monopoly in manufacturing all of the chemical products all the way to WW2. They were one if not the crucial financiers of the rearmament of Germany with a special interest in oil production for Germany’s new mechanized army.
Cela avait commencé en 1904, à travers les six principales entreprises chimiques en Allemagne, qui avaient conclu des accords pour former un cartel final, fusionnant Badische Anilin, Bayer, Agfa, Hoechst, Weiler-ter-Meer et Griesheim-Electron. Le financement principal provenait des Rothschild, qui restaient représentés par leur banquier allemand, Max Warburg, de la société MM Warburg, Hambourg.. He later directed the German Secret Service through World War I and was a private economic consultant to the Kaiser. Meanwhile, the Kaiser was overthrown, after losing the war but Max Warburg was not exiled with him he was above politics as an agent of a higher power, so he never went to Holland. He instead became the economic consultant to the new government. He also represented Germany at the Paris Peace Conference. Max Warburg spent relaxing times rebuilding family ties with his brother, Paul Warburg, who, after conscripting the Federal Reserve Act at Jekyll Island, was controlling the U.S. banking system through the war. He was also present in Paris as Woodrow Wilson’s financial advisor.
Two brothers were controlling two different banking systems in countries that supposedly are at war with one another. Before World War II, Max Warburg served on the board of directors of IG Farben. His brother Paul Warburg served on the board of directors of I.G. Farben’s specifically owned by an American subsidiary. Warburg family was a prominent German and American banking family of German Jewish and originally Venetian Jewish descent at which point they bore the surname del-Banco. However at one time, the Warburg bank in Hamburg was about to collapse in 1857, and the Rothschilds injected vast amounts of money into it becoming the new owner of the bank. From this period forward M.M. Warburg Bank and its partners operated effectively as Rothschild fronts. The first member actually who was known to use the name “Rothschild” was Izaak Elchanan Rothschild, born in 1577. The name Rothschild in Yiddish means Red Coat. I.G. Farben quickly became a company that had a net worth of six billion marks, controlling more than five hundred firms.
While the Weimar Republic began to collapse, IG officials, seeing the writing on the wall, started a close cooperation with Adolf Hitler, providing enormous amounts of required funds and political influence. The progress of the I.G. Farben cartel had incited interest and spread to other industrialists as well. Henry Ford was fairly impressed and set up a German branch of the Ford Motor Company. IG Farben purchased forty percent of the stock. I.G. Farben next built an American subsidiary, called American I.G., in cooperation with Standard Oil of New Jersey. In 1930, Standard Oil declared that it had acquired a liquor monopoly in Germany, a deal that it had with IG Farben. It was already spreading into the European industrie alimentaire. After the Nazi party came to power, John D. Rockefeller hired his own press agent, Ivy Lee, to Hitler to work as a full-time consultant on the rearmament of Germany. They had already decided to rearm Germany and to have WW2 so even back then necessary steps for setting up World War II had begun. Standard Oil next constructed large refineries in Germany for the Nazis and continued to supply them with oil during World War II. In 1939 Frank Howard, a vice president of Standard Oil visited Germany and made some arrangements. He later testified:
“We did our best to work out complete plans for a modus vivendi which would operate throughout the term of the war, whether we came in or not. “
Although his name is hardly known, Frank Atherton Howard was at that time one of the main agents that directed Standard Oil operations. He also was director of the research committee at Sloan Kettering Institute during the 1930s. He was a Rockefellers’ agent and was good at his job. His appointee at Sloan Kettering, Dusty Rhoads, managed the research that created chemotherapy. During WW2, Rhoads headed the Chemical Warfare Service in Washington at U.S. Army Headquarters. The same men researched a cure for cancer and chemicals for the killing of people in wars, which sounds familiar by now. Men who work for the Rockefeller syndicate. It was Frank Howard that influenced both Alfred Sloan and Charles Kettering of General Motors in 1939 to give large donations to the Cancer Center, which then took on their names. Frank Howard’s second wife was a leading member of the British aristocracy, the Duchess of Leeds. I am writing his marital status just so that we can understand who government, aristocracy, democracy, capitalism, and so on in reality is. It is all the same. Frank Howard was the key executive in managing relationships between Standard Oil and IG Farben working to coordinate the interest of both companies. He led the research in the advancement of artificial rubber, which was vital to Germany in the Second World War. He later even wrote a book, “Buna Rubber.” And IG Farben was also a direct supporter without any secrecy of the Nazi Party.
At a conference of German industrialists with Nazis like Hermann Goering and Heinrich Himmler, held on 20 February 1933, IGF contributed 400,000 reichsmarks to the Nazi Party. It was the largest single amount of the total sum of 3 million reichsmarks raised at this meeting by German industrialists for the Nazi Party’s election campaign. IG Farben contributed four and a half million reichsmarks to the Nazi Party in 1933; by 1945, I.G. had provided the Party 40 million reichsmarks, a sum which matched all donations by I.G. to all other beneficiaries during that period. Now let me ask this question. Do you think that American or English governments did not know what is going on and from where are the money coming from? They planned and financed the entire WW2 by design. Par exemple, sans l'aide claire de Standard Oil, l'aviation nazie ne pourrait jamais voler en premier lieu. Les avions qui composaient la Luftwaffe avaient besoin d'essence de plomb tétraéthyle pour pouvoir voler. À l'époque, seuls General Motors, Standard Oil et Du Pont avaient la capacité de produire cette substance vitale. Toutes les entreprises en dehors de l'Allemagne. En 1938, Walter C. Teagle, le directeur de Standard Oil, accommode Hermann Schmitz d'IG Farben pour obtenir 500 tonnes de plomb tétraéthyle d'Ethyl, une filiale de British Standard Oil. Un an plus tard, Schmitz est retourné à Londres et a acheté une valeur supplémentaire de 15 millions de dollars de plomb tétraéthyle. Puis retour en Allemagne qui a été transformé en essence d'aviation pour la Luftwaffe.
It was in 1927 when Standard Oil and IG Farben founded the company „Standard IG Farben.” Standard passed to IG Farben the patents about the coal hydrogenation processes and the Germans gave them the patents on how to manufacture synthetic rubber. While the European powers wanted to avoid the growth of German industry after WW1, the US spent huge sums of money to rebuild Germany and never ratified the Versailles Treaty. Actually, not the government of the U.S. but the real deep state power behind it. They even sold German bonds in the US financial market. One of the most important was the “Union Banking Corporation” of George H. Walker. He named his son-in-law, Prescott Bush, grandfather of US President George W. Bush, director of the firm.
Son petit-fils, le président américain de l'époque, George W. Bush, était dans la mise à jour 3.0 tenant la main du Premier ministre israélien et parlant de l'unité des peuples américain et israélien dans la "guerre du terrorisme", oubliant le fait que son grand-père Prescott utilisait des juifs. travail d'esclave dans son usine de fabrication de main-d'œuvre sidérurgique à Auschwitz.

In update 1.0 Prescott’s father Samuel P. Bush longtime president of Buckeye Steel Castings company that was owned by Frank Rockefeller, the brother of John D. Rockefeller supplied parts for Edward Henry Harriman railroads which in turn provided rail shipments for John’s Standard Oil who in turn gets monopoly financing from the Rothschild’s. Samuel’s son Prescott was the managing director of a Nazi steel manufacturing plant in Poland called Celestion Consolidated Steel who in update 2.0 forwarded American financing to his German partner Fritz Thyssen through “Union Banking Corporation” in New York. Fritz Thyssen arranges a contract with IG Farben for free Jewish slave labor in the Bush steel labor manufacturing plant at the Auschwitz concentration camp.
In update 2 Prescott Busch and Averell Harriman (son of railroad baron E. H. Harriman, 48th Governor of New York, and a core member of the group of foreign policy elders known as “The Wise Men” and Skull and Bones member) get caught under the trading with the enemy act as the US government moves in and seizes all of the shares in Union Banking Corporation.
In update 4.0 Prescott’s son first George Bush is the director of the CIA. George pushes drug king Manuel Noriega on the CIA payroll and allowed tons of cocaine to hit the streets of America via the Panama Canal.
In update 5.0 George’s son the second George Bush becomes partners with Osama bin Laden’s older brother Salem bin Laden in a Texas oil company called Arbusto energy. Also in update 5, we have an introduction to George’s shady younger brother Neil Bush ripping off the elderly in the Silverado Saving and Loan scandal that cost US taxpayers 1,3 billion dollars.
In the final update 6.0, we have George W. Bush, the American President, visiting a death camp at Auschwitz to give a speech about “resisting the power of evil” where his grandfather helped build the Bush Family fortune on free Jewish slave labor. George Herbert Walker maternal grandfather of President George H. W. also got large contracts with the Germans, before and after 1933. On the board of his „Walkers American Shipping and Commerce Company” with its Hamburg-America Line was Emil Helfferich, member of „Freundeskreis Reichsführer- SS” and until the end of WW2 President of Deutsch-Amerikanische Petroleum Gesellschaft, later ESSO, and Vacuum Oil Company in Hamburg.
The main problem for Germany’s attack on the Soviet Union was the need for fuel for tanks and airplanes. Thanks to the patents of Standard Oil, the Germans could produce fuel from their own coal, but this was not enough. After the battle started in Europe, the English became annoyed about U.S. shipments of vital materials to Nazi Germany. Standard Oil instantly transferred the registration of its entire fleet to Panama to avoid British search or seizure. These ships moved to bring oil to Tenerife, where they refueled German tankers for shipment to Hamburg. This deception was exposed on March 31, 1941, when the U.S. State Department issued a full report on refueling terminals in Mexico and Central and South America. What happened then? Nothing happened. There is no report of any form of action being taken because this all was planned on a higher level than just the U.S. government.
A brief side note, however, is that on April 17, 1945, the Chase National Bank was put on trial in federal court on charges of having broken the Trading with the Enemy Act by changing German marks into U.S. dollars. Because multiple nations rejected German currency throughout the war, the Nazis used international banks like Rockefellers’ Chase National to exchange the currency into money that would be accepted like dollars, and this would then allow them to purchase much need materials further to prolong the war.
In the sense of the blunt opinions from Adolf Hitler himself on Jewish control in Germany, it would be challenging to explain the role of I.G. Farben in the Nazi era. Why? Because I.G. Farben was mostly controlled by Jewish bankers meaning Rothschilds in particular. During the 1920s it was accused by Nazis of being an “international capitalist Jewish company.”
Peter Hayes’s comprehensive study of I.G. Farben points out that in 1933 it had ten Jews on its governing boards and do not forget it was formed by Rothschild financing. La même entreprise qui avait acheté le brevet du pesticide Zyklon B, dans les années 1920 et l'avait ensuite distribué aux chambres à gaz d'Auschwitz. Outre une usine d'huile synthétique et de caoutchouc à Auschwitz, la société a également mené des expériences de drogue sur des détenus vivants. Cet appareil utilisait autant d'électricité que toute la ville de Berlin et plus de 25 000 détenus du camp sont morts pendant sa construction. IG Farben a finalement construit son propre camp de concentration, connu sous le nom de Monowitz, qui était plus proche de l'usine afin de réduire la nécessité de déplacer des prisonniers déjà affamés au bord de la mort sur plusieurs kilomètres, ce qui réduisait l'efficacité de leur travail. La même compagnie qui nous donne de l'aspirine.
Dans l'image ci-dessous, vous pouvez voir le camp de concentration construit pour l'IG Farben Monowitz, et en dessous du camp le siège de l'IG Farben intact par la guerre et les bombes américaines (pas par accident).
Hingham’s book, “Trading with the Enemy,” gives extensive documentation of the Rockefeller’s activities during the Second World War.
While Hitler’s planes were dumping tons of bombs on London, they were spending money on royalties on gasoline they burned to Standard Oil, en vertu des accords de brevet existants. Après la guerre, la reine Elizabeth a visité les États-Unis. Elle est restée dans une seule maison privée lors de sa visite, le domaine du Kentucky de William Irish, de Standard Oil. Suite à l'incroyable destruction de la plupart des villes allemandes par les bombardements aériens de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, les bâtiments de l'IG sont restés intacts par miracle. The “dismantling” of IG Farben from 1945 to 1952 by the Allied Military Government, was a process similar to the “dismantling” of the Standard Oil empire by court edict in 1911. The Big Three created companies (Farben spin-offs) still behaved like a cartel.
Qui les possède tous ? Qui possède Bayer par exemple ?
La réponse est le cartel bancaire international. En 1939, alors qu'il devenait clair que l'Allemagne serait bientôt impopulaire aux États-Unis, Standard Oil aida IG Farben à couvrir ses avoirs américains dans le domaine de la drogue et de la chimie.. The American IG was formed and transferred much of the finances to the US market by buying Winthrop Chemical, Grasseli Chemical Works (alias the General Aniline Works), the Agfa-Film Company, the Sterling Products Company, and the Magnesium Development companies. Standard Oil received 15% of the stock in the new German-American chemical trust. Efforts to hook the DuPont corporation into this merger partially failed. Among the directors of the “cover-up” company were Walter Teagle (President of the Standard Oil Company), Paul Warburg (Rothschild agent), and Edsel Ford. The board of American I.G. had three managers from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. American I.G. also had interlocks with the Bank of Manhattan (later to become the Chase Manhattan), Ford Motor Company, Standard Oil of New Jersey, and A.E.G. (German General Electric). Three German not American members of the board of this American I.G. were found guilty at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials. Among these Germans was Max Ilgner, director of the I.G. Farben N.W. Seven offices in Berlin, i.e., the Nazi pre-war intelligence office. With Pearl Harbor and the U.S. entering, WW2 American IG Farben chose to cover its German origin and alliances, with the help of Standard Oil. It converted its name to the General Aniline & Film Corporation shortly before the Pearl Harbor attack. Before doing this, American IG bought an undisclosed number of shares in the Monsanto Chemical, Drug Incorporated, Mission Corporation, Dow Chemical, Schering & Company, Ozalid Corporation, Antidolar Company, Aluminum Corporation, Standard Oil of California, Standard Oil of Indiana, Standard Oil of New Jersey, and the DuPont Company. It took over the Hoffman-LaRoche Company too. Under the Nazis, the German branch of the chemical corporation Standard Oil was simply a single firm. It was merged with hundreds of cartel arrangements.
I.G. Farben was led, up until 1937, by the Warburg family. Rockefeller’s agent in banking who helped design Nazi Germany eugenics and who was actually again just an agent for the Rothschild syndicate. Following the German attack on Poland in 1939, Standard Oil promised to keep the merger with I.G. Farben going even if the U.S. joined the war. The merger was probably planned by the Rothschild London banking cartel before the war. Rockefeller to some extent was representing the interest of the Rothschild family on the other side of the Atlantic but underlining is the same controlling force that financed all of this. When the American soldiers entered the manufacturing city of Frankfort, they remained amazed to discover the buildings in perfect condition and the huge plant of the German IG Farben Chemical Trust intact. American aviators completely demolished every other structure in town. Farben factory in Frankfort, one of the largest constructions there, miraculously remained intact. It was hardly accidental that the postwar government of Germany, the Allied Military Government, also established its offices in the I.G. Farben building. This administration was headed by General Lucius Clay, who later became a partner of Lehman Brothers. What the doughboys also didn’t know was that the Secretary of War, Robert P. Patterson, was a Rockefeller lawyer. He was appointed by President Roosevelt fresh out of Dillon, Read, and Company. The Dillon-Read company not only is a Rockefeller subsidiary but was the banking house that funded German IG Farben and tended to the commercial details of forming the American “cover-up” firm for the German chemical cartel.
In medicine, the Rockefeller cartel continues to protect its Medical Monopoly. Its control of the cancer industry is going through the Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. All of the major drug firms are funded, each by its executive from Chase Manhattan Bank, the Standard Oil Company, or other Rockefeller firms. The American College of Surgeons keeps control of hospitals through the powerful Hospital Survey Committee, with members appointed by and for representing Rockefeller control. On the other side of the Atlantic, it was the same thing.
BASF SE (Germany) – The largest chemical company in the whole world! In 2020 had a turnover of 60 billion euros.
Bayer I.G. (Germany) – One of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. Started as a dye company and consolidated into IG Farben in 1881.
Hoechst AG (Allemagne) – l'un des plus grands fabricants pharmaceutiques au monde, aujourd'hui Sanofi-Aventis;
Sanofi–Aventis – (France), créée par une fusion en 2004 entre Aventis (fusion en 1999 de Rhône-Poulenc et Hoechst AG (IG Farben)) et Sanofi;
Wyeth - (USA) En 2002 a été renommé de Sterling Drug Inc. (la filiale américaine d'IG Farben) puis a fusionné avec Pfizer en 2009.
Pfizer – (États-Unis), Fondée en 1849 à New York. A racheté Warner-Lambert, Parke-Davis, Upjohn, Pharmacia (Monsanto) et Wyeth (la filiale américaine d'IG Farben).
Agfa-Gevaert N.V. (Agfa) supplies hospitals and other care organizations with imaging products and systems, as well as information systems and industrial inkjet systems to the printing and graphics industries. Agfa-Gevaert’s commerce today is 100% business-to-business.
Références :
Passages sélectionnés à partir d'un livre : Pokimica, Milos. Devenir vegetarien? Examen de la science, partie 2. Kindle éd., Amazone, 2018.
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Milos Pokimica est docteur en médecine naturelle, nutritionniste clinique, rédacteur en santé médicale et nutrition et conseiller en sciences nutritionnelles. Auteur de la série de livres Devenir vegetarien ? Examen des sciences, il exploite également le site Web de santé naturelle GoVeganWay.com
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Milos Pokimica est docteur en médecine naturelle, nutritionniste clinique, rédacteur en santé médicale et nutrition et conseiller en sciences nutritionnelles. Auteur de la série de livres Devenir vegetarien ? Examen des sciences, il exploite également le site Web de santé naturelle GoVeganWay.com
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