Lebensmittelindustrie- Historischer Rückblick
Das Kartell der Lebensmittelindustrie hat die vollständige Kontrolle über den gesamten weltweiten Getreidehandel und kontrolliert auch Milchprodukte, Öl, Fleisch, Obst und Gemüse, Zucker und alle Arten von Gewürzen.
Milos Pokimica
Geschrieben von: Milos Pokimica
Medizinisch Begutachtet Von: Dr. Xiùying Wáng, M.D.
Aktualisiert am 2. September 2023The food industry is not just any industry. Food is the most essential item in existence. It is more important than gold, it is more important than any other sector in economics. Today people are dissociated from the importance of the food industry due to the agricultural revolution after the discovery of synthetic fertilizers. In the entirety of human existence, food was scarce. For the entirety of human existence, food was the most important item in everyone’s budget. The food industry was not our local candy supplier but our lifeline for existence. And if you control the trade and manufacturing of food or in other words you control the food industry then you control everything. In the entirety of human existence food industry was the pillar of power and control.
Alles begann vor langer Zeit.
It all started after the Neolithic revolution. The first excess of production was what created the first need for trade. If you are a stone age farmer and you produce more grain than you can eat you are in a food industry business. Then you would probably go down the hill to the fisherman’s village to trade some of your grains for fish. That is the first time in history that the food industry was beginning to emerge. Then the population expanded and the first city-states are formed. Then the first empires and so on.
Schließlich gehörte das Land den Herren und der Rest der Bauern war nur noch Sklaven.
Bereits zur Zeit Assyriens vor Rom gab es Sklaverei und einen weltweiten Lebensmittelhandel. Von China und Indien bis zum Mittelmeer. Dann mit Hilfe der phönizischen Flotte im gesamten Mittelmeerraum und im Schwarzmeergebiet. Schon in der Antike boomte der Handel.

Als Rom in den punischen Kriegen die Phönizier besiegte, übernahm es den Handel.
Um die Wirtschaft Roms zu verstehen, muss man tatsächlich die Wirtschaft Persiens verstehen, denn die Römer stammen als Stamm aus dem Nahen Osten und nicht aus Europa. Sie wanderten durch Kolonisierung aus Kleinasien nach Europa aus und vernichteten zunächst durch Völkermord echte Europäer, die auf der Apenninenhalbinsel lebten und als Etrusker bekannt waren. Sie brachten die gleiche Kultur und das gleiche System mit, die in den großen Reichen wie Assyrien und Persien vorherrschten, die Skalenökonomie, die auf Handel und exzessiver Nahrungsmittelproduktion beruhte, die von einer kleinen Anzahl von Händlern, Senatoren und Oligarchen kontrolliert wurde, sowie Sklaverei. Dann vernichteten sie in einem Völkermord alle Menschen (und damit auch Frauen und Kinder), die in Cartage lebten, übernahmen die Handelsrouten und beherrschten dann den Rest Europas mit einem System, das in Kleinasien und den großen Reichen der Antike existierte . Vergessen Sie die Geschichte nicht. Es wäre schwer, die gegenwärtige Welt zu verstehen. Wir haben nur das, woran wir uns erinnern.
Unterworfene Außengebiete in Gallien, der Bretagne, Spanien, Sizilien, Ägypten, Nordafrika und der Mittelmeerküste mussten Getreide als Steuern und Tribut an die römischen Adelsfamilien liefern. Normalerweise war die Getreidesteuer höher, als das Land tragen konnte. Das gleiche römische System wurde im feudalen Europa nach dem Zusammenbruch des Weströmischen Reiches eingeführt. Das Imperium brach zusammen, aber das Geld in den Kassen blieb, und die Leute, die das Sagen hatten, änderten einfach ihre Namen in einen lokalen oder christlichen Namen und wurden Händler, Bankiers, Adlige oder Kardinäle.
Der Stadtstaat Venedig übernahm insbesondere nach dem Vierten Kreuzzug (1202-04) die Getreiderouten. Kreuzzüge hatten neben der Religion noch einen weiteren wichtigen Aspekt. Und das bedeutet, die Kontrolle über die antiken römischen Handelsrouten von den Islamisten zurückzugewinnen. Dieselbe Oligarchie, die im Römischen Reich den Handel betrieb, regiert jetzt Venedig und seinen Handel.
Die wichtigsten venezianischen Handelsrouten im 13. Jahrhundert waren östliche Endstationen in Konstantinopel, die Häfen des Oltremare (das Land der Kreuzfahrerstaaten) und Alexandria in Ägypten. Die Produkte aus diesen Häfen wurden zunächst nach Venedig verschifft und gelangten von dort aus über die Poebene zu Märkten in der Lombardei oder über die Alpenpässe an die Rhône und nach Frankreich. Der venezianische Handel erstreckte sich auf Indien, China und das Mongolenreich im Osten und Frankreich im Westen.
Bis zum 15. Jahrhundert blieb Venedig noch immer ein Handelszentrum. Es hatte jedoch damit begonnen, einen Teil seines Getreide- und anderen Handels auf das herrschende burgundische Herzogtum auszudehnen, dessen derzeitiger Hauptsitz Antwerpen war. Dieses Reich, das einen großen Teil des heutigen Frankreichs umfasste, erstreckte sich von Amsterdam und Belgien bis zu einem Großteil der heutigen Schweiz.
Venetian-Lombard-Burgundian nexus, give birth to each of the food cartel’s six leading grain companies.
Diese Unternehmen wurden entweder gegründet oder haben einen wesentlichen Teil ihrer heutigen Geschäftstätigkeit übernommen. Bis zum 18. Jahrhundert hatten die britischen Levant- und Ostindien-Gesellschaften viele dieser venezianischen Betriebe übernommen und den Handel weltweit auf die neuen Kolonien in Amerika und Afrika ausgeweitet. Es handelte sich jedoch lediglich um eine Expansion derselben herrschenden Elite. Die Oligarchie hat gerade ihr Operationszentrum in die City of London verlegt (nicht in die Hauptstadt Englands und des Vereinigten Königreichs, bekannt als London, großer Unterschied) und hat Handel, Bankwesen und Sklaverei auf die globale Ebene ausgeweitet.
In the nineteenth century, the City of London-based Baltic Mercantile and Shipping Exchange became the world’s leading instrument for contracting for and shipping grain.
Und warum sind sie umgezogen?
Im 17. Jahrhundert kam es zu einem Konflikt zwischen Bankiers und dem Haus Stuart. Die Bankiers Europas hatten sich zusammengeschlossen und Wilhelm von Oranien finanziert, der in England einmarschierte, Stuarts entmachtete und König Wilhelm III. von England wurde. Er war von Geburt an souveräner Prinz von Oranien, Stadthalter von Holland, Zeeland, Utrecht, Gelderland und Overijssel in der niederländischen Republik und mit Hilfe von Bankiers ab 1672 König von England, Irland und Schottland.
Am Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts befand sich England finanziell im Ruin.
Die Gold- und Silberreserven wurden aufgebraucht und der Bürgerkrieg verwandelte sich in den nächsten 50 Jahren in einen Krieg mit Frankreich und den Niederlanden. Das Land war in einem schlechten Zustand und William konnte die Armee nicht bezahlen. Er brauchte das Geld und nahm die „Hilfe“ der Banker entgegen, allerdings mit einem kleinen Gegengefallen.
Sie forderten die Eröffnung einer Privatbank, die den Status einer Zentralbank haben soll.
Im Gegenzug werden sie Gold als Einlage mitbringen, das als Grundlage für das Drucken von Geld dient, das dann an den Staat ausgeliehen wird. So wurde 1694 die Bank of England gegründet, die erste private Zentralbank der Welt, die das Recht hatte, legal Geld (letztendlich aus dem Nichts) zu drucken. Lesen Sie dies noch einmal.
So wurde 1694 die Bank of England gegründet, die erste private Zentralbank der Welt, die das Recht hatte, legal Geld (letztendlich aus dem Nichts) zu drucken.
England als Staat begann, die als Staatsschulden registrierten Kredite aufzunehmen. Im Laufe von 300 Jahren breitete sich die Oligarchie von Venedig aus aus, um den Handel und das Bankwesen in Frankreich, Deutschland, den Niederlanden und schließlich England zu kontrollieren. Und durch die Kontrolle Englands kontrollierte es auch seine aufstrebenden Kolonien.
Als die venezianischen Handels- und Bankiersfamilien nach England zogen, behielten sie praktisch die Macht und den Reichtum, die sie in der Römischen Republik erworben hatten, und weiteten ihren Einfluss auf Amerika, Afrika und weite Teile Asiens aus.
The administrative headquarters are changed, and that is today the City of London. The City of London county is not a city that contains the historic center and the primary central business district (CBD) of London. Now if you miss it read it again. The City of London is a country in London the same way the Vatican is a country in Rome. It is also a county of England, being an enclave surrounded by Greater London. It does not fall under the legal system of Great Brittan. The City of London is considered to be sui generis, which is Latin for “in a class by itself.” That it is one of the oldest self-governing local states in the world, with roots going back as far as medieval times when it was set up as a commune. Its right to exist predates that of parliament and even the Magna Carta of 1215, which was the charter of rights between King John and the barons, makes special reference to its “ancient liberties” and how they extend to all freemen of the realm. The status has afforded the jurisdiction of a Lord Mayor since the days of William the Conqueror. The City of London is a state within a state. Der tiefe Zustand der westlichen Zivilisation, wenn Sie so wollen. Das Kontrollzentrum.
The City of London Corporation prefers to view itself as an autonomous jurisdiction that defends the rights of freemen. Freemen are those considered not to be the property of a feudal lord but who enjoy privileges such as the right to earn money and own land. This has meant that the freemen of the City have uniquely benefited from the right to trade as merchants or members of a guild or livery. They also control their own police force operated and paid for by the City of London’s own coffers and tax system. The City of London is a real British ‘’Crown” not the House of Windsor.

Eigentlich ist Windsor nur der Name des Schlosses, ihr richtiger Nachname ist Saxe-Coburg und Gotha (deutsch: Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha). Aus Marketinggründen änderten sie es in „Windsor“, um es besser an die lokale Bevölkerung anzupassen. Vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg war es die Familie der Herrscher des Vereinigten Königreichs, Belgiens, Portugals und Bulgariens, und Zweige der Familie regieren noch immer in Belgien, dem Vereinigten Königreich und den anderen Commonwealth-Reichen. Handels- und Bankenkartelle, die im Mittelalter über Europa herrschten, herrschen im Gegensatz zu den Königen, die nur für die Show da waren, immer noch mit der gleichen Art, Geschäfte zu machen. Lediglich die Sitze der Kartelle und ihrer Unternehmen hatten sich verändert. Heute ist einer der großen Hauptsitze die City of London.
This to us mortals is mostly unknown. In front of this structure is the City of London. For the ceremonial and public eyes is the ceremonial Lord Mayor that they chose themselves without an election. They are just formally under the House of Windsor but not in reality, and actually, I will correct myself, not even formally. Queen of England needs to ask for permission from the Lord Mayor if she wants to visit the city. And she can do that only in the civil uniform. The Lord Mayor of London is the City of London’s mayor and leader of the City of London Corporation. For instance, Sir Michael Bear and Sir Roger Gifford both were Lord Mayors of London. On both occasions, they welcomed the “Queen” in this manner. In full ceremonial uniform while the ‘”Queen” was in civilian dress, standing one step below.
Für Sie könnte das nur ein Zufall oder eine irrelevante zeremonielle Show sein. Das liegt daran, dass Sie und die meisten Menschen in den Schulen heute gelernt haben, dass dies alles nur Geschichte ist, die nichts mit der modernen Welt zu tun hat. Es ist nur eine Erinnerung an die Vergangenheit und daran, dass wir heute Demokratie und Menschenrechte und Gesetze haben und dass es neben Regierungen für alle Fälle auch die UN und die WTO und andere nette Organisationen gibt, die da sind, um der Welt zu helfen und uns vor dem Bösen zu schützen. Die reale Realität ist auf den Kopf gestellt, und Ihre Wahrnehmung der Realität basiert auf Propaganda-Gehirnwäsche und emotionaler Manipulation der Social-Engineering-Schulung für die Massen. Informationsfreiheit ist Wahlfreiheit. Falsche Informationen, falsche Wahrnehmung, falsche Wahl mit guten Absichten.
Die Bank of England steht immer noch mit all ihrem Einfluss und all ihren Schöpfungen wie der Federal Reserve of America und allen anderen bankfinanzierten Konzernen, multinationalen Unternehmen und Unternehmen.
Let us look just 100 years ago to see how had food business and trade had been organized. The first company in the modern sense or one of the first was the East India Company. That is if we do not count The City of London Corporation. The Corporation’s first recorded Royal Charter dates from around 1067 and actually had its privileges temporarily stripped by a writ quo g under Charles II in 1683, but they were later restored and confirmed by Act of Parliament under William III (one and the same “banking boy” of Orange) in 1690, after the “Glorious Revolution”.
Macht und Kontrolle und Wirtschaft und Politik und Krieg, es ist alles ein und dasselbe, geführt von einer Oligarchie. Es gibt keine Lebensmittel, Medikamente, Öl, Banken oder andere Geschäfte. Es ist alles gleich und wird von denselben Leuten geführt. Wenn man die Leiter hoch genug besteigt, kann man das sehen. Der Durchschnittsmensch schaut sich im Supermarkt um, sieht alle möglichen Marken und denkt, dass zwischen den verschiedenen Unternehmen eine gewisse Übereinstimmung besteht. In Wirklichkeit handelt es sich um einen Betrug, der darauf abzielt, Sie so zu täuschen, dass Sie das denken. In Wirklichkeit kann ein Lebensmittelunternehmen 100 verschiedene Marken haben. Und verschiedene Lebensmittelunternehmen können denselben Leuten gehören, denen auch einige andere Unternehmen gehören. These people can also be just partners to other people or just agents to their interests. Even if the same individuals or families do not own different companies, these people work together. They even historically marry each other. Marriage is just another business arrangement for them. I will digress from the food trade and look into one historical example that will show the true aspect of the Roman empire’s economic and political system based on military, slavery, excess in food production, trade, and exploitation controlled by the elite that has been enforced on a global scale now.
During the 17 and 18-century, merchant families of Europe had made a fortune in the far east trade. India had been conquered and colonized quite quickly, but China was a different story. Chinese people and states had been for a long time antagonistic to Europe and the west believing that all of the world’s evils have come from Europe. They had stuck to their own traditions and had closed country that did not enter into relations and trade with the west on the relevant scale. The big problem for the City of London merchants was how to pay for all of the goods that were coming from China. Chinese people and the elite were not interested in any goods coming from Europe. They did not want to buy anything. At that time China was ruled by The Qing dynasty, and they had implemented extremely high taxes on European goods that had any form of acceptance in China. At the time that created a significant deficit in the City of London’s trade with China. The only thing that was acceptable for trade and import to China was silver. The only thing that rulers of the Qing dynasty wanted to buy was silver and not all silver just one that is melted into bars. They did not want European silver coins either. Great Britain did not have enough silver to pay for all of the tea, silk, and porcelain for which it had an enormous market in Europe, so they had to buy it with gold and gold-backed currencies. The price of silver went up, and so all of the prices of goods coming from China went up. It created an inflationary spiral that slowly put Great Britain with all of its wars and expensive military into a bid budget deficit. Rulers needed to find a solution to this problem. They needed to find something that they can trade for all of the goods coming from China. And eventually, they did. They find out one excellent agricultural product that they can sell. The product obtained from a poppy plant used in medicine from ancient times called opium. The Mediterranean region has the earliest archeological evidence of human use with the oldest known seeds dating back to more than 5000 BCE in the Neolithic age with purposes such as food and aesthetics. In China, recreational use started in the 15th century but was restricted by its scarcity and price. Full blown opium ban in China began in 1729, yet was accompanied by nearly two centuries of ever-increasing opium use. The people had a hard life with extreme poverty, and one thing they liked that allowed them to escape from harsh reality was opium. Because opium was a hard addictive drug and once on it you become dependent on constant use in a situation where you cannot afford it in extreme poverty your morals go away. Opium use usually comes with criminal behavior and hard structural Chinese society could not afford it. So it was banned.
British East India Company after a couple of wars gained the power to rule in India and exercise a monopoly over opium production. To encourage slaves to cultivate the cash crops of indigo and opium with cash advances, and to prohibit the “hoarding” of rice they increase the land tax to 50 percent of the value of crops doubling East India Company profits by 1777. That also created the Bengal famine of 1770. Genocide by starvation of 10 million people. Bengal opium was highly prized, and the illegal drug trade exploded. The number of addicts in China exploded, and the trade deficit disappeared. Opium trade provided 15 to 20 percent of the entire British Empire’s revenue and simultaneously caused a scarcity of silver in China. The merchant families of Europe did good business. The ship sailed full of British merchandise to India. Then they unloaded that and loaded opium for the British-Chinese mafia network. In response, the Chinese Emperor took strong action to halt the import, including the seizure of cargo. Then the British navy came into the scene. And the British won Hong Kong and trade concessions. Then France and USA forced China to give the same concessions to them also. China was later also forced by war to legalize opium and began massive domestic production. By 1906, the country was producing 85 percent of the world’s opium, and a chunk of that was then exported to Indochina and other places. Most of us know this. We learn it in school. But what we did not learn in school was exactly what the school system does not want to teach you.
Wie hießen die Besitzer der East India Company? Wer waren die Drogenbosse, Handelsbosse, Kriegsherren usw.? Was ist mit ihrem Familienvermögen passiert? Wenn sie vor 100 Jahren die Landwirtschaft und den Welthandel kontrollierten, wer erbt sie dann, und wer kontrolliert sie jetzt? Sie sehen, es gibt keinen Handel. Es gibt keine Lebensmittelindustrie, Pharmaindustrie oder irgendeine andere Industrie. Es ist Handel, Sklaverei, Ausbeutung, Krieg, Hunger, Völkermord, Politik und Wirtschaft in einem. Macht und Kontrolle.
Back in the day, the House of Sassoon handled the trading of opium and other goods in India. The House of Jardine and Matheson handled distribution in China, and the House of Inchapes handled the shipping of these goods. House of Oppenheimer’s/Rhodes handled the gold and diamond mining business. The American operations were handled by the Sassoons, Jardine, Japhets, and the house of Rockefellers. The Houses of Rothschild with Warburg as his agents coordinated the banking aspect of this trade. The Houses of Rothschild had the controlling share in the East Indian company. Following Napoleon’s defeat, they had acquired complete control over the entire British economy and presumably East Indian company too. Nathan Mayer Rothschild was aware of the outcome of the Battle of Waterloo a full day before Wellington himself thanks to its intelligence network. Nathan controlling England funded Wellington’s army, whereas James (Jacob), his own brother, operated out of France, and funded Napoleon’s army. It was war orchestrated by the same coffer and of course, being the first one informed of the result of the war he began selling the consuls. It was the same design that the selling on the market looked like as a sign of the British losing the battle, resulting in widespread panic in the markets, and a vast panic sell-off was initiated. Nathan after inducting the selloff began secretly to acquire the consuls.
By the time word of the real situation of British victory came, the market rose up even higher than its previous levels, only this time most of it was already in Nathan’s hands with a return of approximately 20:1 on his investment making him the owner of almost entire British economy including East India Company. In 1815, Nathan Mayer made the following statement:
“I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.”
The business partnership of trading opium with China was also offered to the families that were the center of the new rising American oligarchy. That is how for example John Jacob Astor, got his opium trade business. His American Fur Company purchased ten tons of Turkish opium, then shipped the contraband item to Canton. All American families that were part of the opium trade had become an integral part of the new American aristocracy with their leading partner in Europe. The Rothschild family and the City of London. In the US this trading cartel has even founded its own secret society at Yale University. The internal circle of interest of this brotherhood was defended by a cartel of trading families like Taft, Russell, Bush, Rockefeller, and Vanderbilt. Yale College itself was founded by Elihu Yale opium trader, slave trader, and President of the East India Company settlement in Fort St. George, at Madras. Skull and Bones secret society was founded in 1832 by William Huntington Russell (cousin of Samuel Russell) and Alphonso Taft. The secret society’s alumni organization, the Russell Trust Association, owns the society’s real estate and oversees the organization. In 1823, Samuel Russell established Russell and Company for the purpose of acquiring opium in Turkey and smuggling it to China. Russell and Company bought out the Perkins(Boston) syndicate in 1830 and moved the primary center of American opium smuggling to Connecticut. Many of the European and American fortunes were made in the China (opium) trade. One of Russell and Company’s, Chief of Operations, in Canton was Warren Delano, Jr., grandfather of Franklin Roosevelt. Other Russell partners included Perkins, Sturgis, and Forbes, families. And they all did that with a permit from East India Company as a partner in trade. As a result of this Chinese society suffered total degradation. In 1906, 90 percent of people in Shanghai were addicted to opium. Drugged from opium masses of people spent their days in opium dens lying in stupors incapable of any work.

Trading in opium is technically a drug trade like any other big pharma drug trade. The same people who made fortunes on drugs are the same people who make fortunes on cancer treatment drugs. The difference today is that we have synthetic heroin and your doctor prescribes it for cancer pains, and if you want to get something outside of the ‘’legal” business you will get a jail sentence from the same people who made the opium trade back in the day. Under the Rockefeller drug laws, for example, the penalty for selling two ounces (57 g) of heroin, cocaine, or cannabis or possessing four ounces (113 g) or more of the same substances, was a minimum of 15 years to life in prison, and a maximum of 25 years to life in prison. The Rockefeller program drew intense opposition from civil rights advocates, who claimed that they were racist, as they were applied inordinately to African-Americans and, to a lesser extent, Latinos. One main criticism of these drug laws was that they put young minority males and females behind bars for carrying small amounts of drugs on them. In 2002, at age 46, Meile Rockefeller was arrested for protesting the Rockefeller drug laws. She was escorted by her brother, Stuart Rockefeller, and was backed by other members of the family including her grandfather’s brother, Laurance Rockefeller. I can guess that some of the John spoiled brats did not learn the full extent of Social Darwinism, but I am more inclined to think it is just a new „washing of the hands,” we are not racist sort of speech propaganda.
Heute sind die sechs privaten Getreideunternehmen aus der jahrhundertealten Getreidehandelsroute Mesopotamien-Römisch-Venezianisch-Burgundisch-Schweiz-Amsterdam hervorgegangen, die sich heute um die ganze Welt erstreckt.
The “Big Six” grain cartel companies are New York-based Kontinental, Minneapolis und Genf ansässig Cargill; Sitz in Paris Louis Dreyfus; Sitz in São Paulo, Brasilien und den Niederlanden, Antillen Bunge und Born; Sitz in Lausanne, Schweiz André; und Illinois – und Hamburg, Deutschland – ansässig Archer Daniels Midland/Töpfer.
Sie geben keine öffentlichen Aktien aus.
They don’t have an annual report.
Sie sind geheimnisvoll wie jede Bank oder jeder staatliche Geheimdienst.
Two of these companies, Continental and Cargill, control 45-50% of the entire world’s grain trade.
Besides the grain ten to twelve pivotal companies, assisted by another three dozen, run the entire world’s food supply. They are vital components of the Anglo-Dutch-Swiss food cartel, which is grouped around Britain’s City of London.
The food and raw materials cartel has complete control over the entire world grain trade. But it also controls dairy, oil and fats, meat, fruits and vegetables, sugar, and all forms of spices. The entire world’s food trade and food production, and the processing and distribution of every aspect of it are controlled.
Diese Unternehmen agieren auch heute noch als Lebensmittelkartell. Die Oligarchie hat vier Regionen zu den wichtigsten Weltexporteuren fast aller Arten von Lebensmitteln entwickelt. Diese vier Regionen sind die Europäische Union, insbesondere Deutschland und Frankreich; die britischen Commonwealth-Staaten Kanada, Australien, Neuseeland und die Republik Südafrika; Argentinien und Brasilien in Iberoamerika und den USA
These four areas have a population of, at most 12% of the world’s population. The rest of the world, with 88% of the population is dependent on food exports from those regions.
Every small country that has grain, dairy, or other surpluses and wants to export them. It will encounter a problem. The cartel’s four exporting regions were given a monopoly in a brutal manner, with different regulations by the U.N., so that much of the rest of the world was thrust into enforced starvation.
If some of the other nations want to develop the oligarchy will not sell them seeds, for example, fertilizer or any help in water management or any form of foreign investment would not be implemented. So when Chinese companies start to invest in this area of Africa, for example, it turns into World War 3 because the oligarchy wants those regions under population control and any other form of control. They don’t want those regions to become self-sufficient so they depend on foreign aid and remain in the status of vassals states. Do as told and import or starve to death. At the same time, these Anglo-Dutch-Swiss food cartel is reducing the export regions’ self-sufficiency as well as reducing all the exporting countries like the U.S. to a state of servitude as well. During the last couple of decades, millions of farmers in Argentina, Europe, Canada, the U.S., and Australia have also been destroyed by the same companies.
Beispielsweise gab es 1982 in den USA 600.000 unabhängige Schweinezüchter. Heute beträgt diese Zahl weniger als 150.000.
Für den Durchschnittsbürger ist es kaum zu glauben, dass fünf oder sechs Unternehmen den gesamten Weltgetreidehandel kontrollieren. Die wahre Wahrheit ist jedoch, dass alle diese Unternehmen zusammenarbeiten. Sie sind nur ein großes Kartell. Sie stehen nicht im Wettbewerb. Jeder von ihnen hat seinen Teil der Welt zu kontrollieren, und sie koordinieren ihre Angelegenheiten mit anderen und der politischen Bankenoligarchie. Ich werde nicht alle analysieren, aber lassen Sie uns einen Blick auf die größte davon werfen, damit wir eine Vorstellung davon bekommen, wie diese Dinge funktionieren.
The biggest one is Cargill. It is founded shortly after the American Civil War by William Cargill, a Scottish immigrant, and sea merchant. He bought his first grain elevator in Conover, Iowa. After that William Cargill expanded and bought grain elevators all along the Southern Minnesota Railroad, at a time when Minnesota was becoming an important shipping route. However, Cargill’s largest opportunity began when he purchased elevators along the line of James J. Hill’s Great Northern railroad line. The line went west of Minneapolis, as far as North and South Dakota. Hill managed to do this because he was the business partner of Ned Harriman (father of Averell Harriman), who was the economic and business agent for Prince Edward, and later King Edward VII. With a special rebate system and other arrangements, Hill’s rail line helped build the Cargill operation. At that time Cargill was big but not part of the big oligarchy. It was just another bigger company like many others. It firm nearly went under twice. William Cargill, Jr., the son of company founder Will Cargill, made bad investments in Montana, and between 1909 and 1917, Cargill hovered on the brink of bankruptcy. What happened was that the British capital came in to rescue the company. William Cargill had a daughter, Edna, who married John MacMillan. MacMillan’s family reorganizes pumps in the money and starts to run the entire Cargill. John Hugh MacMillan II (1895-1960) was the director of Cargill from 1936 until 1957. He was also Knight Commander of Justice of the Sovereign Order of St. John. Secret society order controlled by the global aristocracy assorted around the Anglo-Dutch monarchy. Whitney MacMillan, chairman of Cargill from 1976 until 1994, was educated at the exclusive British-modeled Blake School (where the chairman of General Mills was also educated), and then Yale University. In another word, they were loyal to the oligarchy. Cargill also almost went under during the 1929 U.S. stock market crash, and the ensuing Great Depression. Only after that, the thing started to change. When you become part of the ruling system, you do not go bankrupt. You are too big to fail. It was still not big enough and what happened next is what defined Cargill as a “chosen one” to rule the food trade in America. There is nothing in history books about what was going on to Cargill Co. during the depression, 1865-1945. It is a secret, but we know what happened. It was chosen to be saved by the oligarchy and used as a mechanism for control of the grain trade in one of the four regions.

One force came to the rescue: John D. Rockefeller’s Chase National Bank, which sent its officer John Peterson to help run Cargill. Peterson became Cargill’s top officer.
Now if you are bankrupt and the big bank came with finances and rescues you and sends people to run your company, then who really owns the company? You or the people that give you money from the bank? Then the way of conducting business at Cargill changed. It was not just one more regular let’s make the business company. During the mid-1930s, Cargill started to use cut-throat tactics. In 1937, corn was a limited commodity. During 1936 crop had been a failure. Cargill purchased every possible corn future, to the tune of several millions of dollars, and organized a squeeze on the market. The Chicago Board of Trade directed Cargill to auction some of its futures to relieve the squeeze. Cargill refused and was expelled from the Board of Trade. The U.S. secretary of agriculture accused Cargill of trying to destroy the American corn market. And that is exactly what they wanted to do so that they can later buy it all with the help of the bank and create control of the entire corn market. With the help of the Chase National Bank from the time of bankruptcy in the great depression, they started to expand globally in a very short time. In 1953, Cargill set up Tradax International company in Panama to run its global grain trade. In 1956, it set up Tradax Genève, Switzerland. Thirty percent of Tradax is owned by old-line Venetian-Burgundian-Lombard banking families, particularly the Swiss-based Lombard, Odier, and Pictet banks. The investor for Tradax is the Geneva-based Crédit Suisse, which has been involved frequently in drug-money laundering. In 1985, the U.S. government accused Crédit Suisse and other large banks of laundering $1.2 billion in illegal drug money to the First National Bank of Boston. In 1977, Cargill’s engagement in a “black peseta” laundering operation at Cargill’s offices in Spain was also revealed. Cargill has been regularly cited for “blending” that is, adding foreign matter to its grain too. But it was chosen to be the controlling company of one part of the world food market by the ruling elite, and that is it. Today Cargill has expanded into every major crop and livestock on the face of the earth, in over 60 countries. It has also expanded into coal, steel, waste disposal, and metals and runs one of the 20 largest commodity brokerage firms in the United States, which is larger than most of the Wall Street brokerage houses.
Wenn man über die Lebensmittelindustrie spricht, denkt man an Coca-Cola und Nestlé. Auf dem Papier ist Nestlé das Größte, weil die Oligarchie nicht möchte, dass normale Leute wissen, wie Geschäfte wirklich abgewickelt werden. Das ist der Grund, warum diese Unternehmen wie Cargill und andere von Natur aus weder öffentliche Aktien noch Jahresberichte herausgeben. Es ist nur wahr, dass wir nicht wissen, welches das Größte ist, und Nestle ist es mit Sicherheit nicht. Wie ich bereits geschrieben habe, sind diese Unternehmen geheimnisvoller als jede Ölgesellschaft, Bank oder staatlicher Geheimdienst.
Ausgewählte Passagen aus einem Buch: Pokimica, Milos. Zum Veganer werden? Rückblick auf die Wissenschaft Teil 2. Kindle-Ausgabe, Amazon, 2018.
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Milos Pokimica ist Doktor der Naturheilkunde, klinischer Ernährungsberater, Autor für medizinische Gesundheit und Ernährung sowie Berater für Ernährungswissenschaften. Autor der Buchreihe Zum Veganer werden? Rückblick auf die Wissenschafter betreibt auch das Natürliche Gesundheit website GoVeganWay.com
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Herausgeber-Tipps –
Milos Pokimica ist Doktor der Naturheilkunde, klinischer Ernährungsberater, Autor für medizinische Gesundheit und Ernährung sowie Berater für Ernährungswissenschaften. Autor der Buchreihe Zum Veganer werden? Rückblick auf die Wissenschafter betreibt auch das Natürliche Gesundheit website GoVeganWay.com
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