The tale of Big Pharma- Eugenics
When a cousin of Darwin Sir Francis Galton started to promote eugenics theories with increased vigor elite oligarchs loved it.
Milos Pokimica
Written By: Milos Pokimica
Medically Reviewed by: Dr. Xiùying Wáng, M.D.
Updated June 9, 2023Eugenics (from Greek εὐγενής eugenics ‘well-born’ from εὖ eu, ‘good, well’ and γένος genos, ‘race, stock, kin’).
It is a form of philosophy if you like that aims at improving the genetic quality of a human population. It began with Plato suggesting applying the same principles of selective breeding that give rise to an increased yield of crops after the Neolithic Revolution to humans themselves around 400 BCE. He wanted to create a guardian race. The big chunk of culture in Ancient Greece was similar, with glorifying the human body and perfection and in some places like Sparta practices like throwing deformed and weak babies into the pits was common practice.
When a cousin of Darwin Sir Francis Galton started to promote eugenic theories with increased vigor elite oligarchs loved it.
Galton further insisted that if genetically healthy and talented individuals only marry other more superior individuals, the end outcome would be considered more fit and talented offspring. It is the same logic that was practiced in agriculture for thousands of years giving us all of our modern foods. However, the elite loved it. This bizarre theory was in some sense logical and applicable to humans as well as to other animals. Eventually, it transformed into well-accepted philosophy of eugenics.

The philosophy resulted in pushing for feminism and abortion, forced sterilizations, euthanasia, and in some cases even full-blown infanticide. It is the same philosophy that exists today. For example when a country like Iceland brags about the healing of Down syndrome that is just eugenics in practice. This was all in the early years even before World War 2 and had nothing to do with the Nazi party and its philosophy of racism. Hitler himself look at academia in the U.S. as a model for population control and dealing with “unfits.” Before World War 2 this philosophy was so accepted as a part of social Darwinism and in most of the elite circles and academia that it got massive funding from hereditary elite families such as Carnegie and Rockefellers.
Who do you think gave funds for the coordination and implementation of the program in which Josef Mengele personally worked before his infamous experiments at Auschwitz?
From 1930 the Rockefeller Foundation contributed substantial financial support to the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human Heredity, and Eugenics. That was the institute that later conducted eugenics experiments in the Third Reich.

Modern eugenics was not something the Nazi party accepted as a racist ideology. It was philosophy first practiced in ancient Greece, and in modern times it emerged first in the U.K. at the beginning of the 20th century and then spread to the U.S. and other countries like Canada and most of Western Europe.

Ordinary people were not interested in this, but academia and the elite were and still are. When you see someone talking about the overpopulation of the planet he is engulfed in this philosophy. It is still alive, especially in the ruling elite and political spectrum. Today they are using more subtle measures of sterilization like abortion pills, but back in the day, they advocated measures such as forced sterilization.

The Rockefeller Foundation provided funds to Nazi racial studies even after it was obvious that the research mentioned above had been used to rationalize the demonizing of Jews and other groups. All away up to 1939 the Rockefeller Foundation was funding research used to support Nazi racial science studies at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human Heredity, and Eugenics (KWIA). Reports submitted to Rockefeller did not hide what these studies were being used to justify, but Rockefeller continued the funding and refrained from criticizing this research so closely derived from Nazi ideology. This movement never died. It is the philosophical driving force for an entire elite structure from the time of Pluto.
In the 1950s, the Rockefellers restructured the eugenics movement in their own family offices in America. They had just used different more subtle names for it like abortion, women’s rights, and population control. Because of all of the bad association that the word eugenics now had after WW2 and Nazi eugenic experiments they decided to spin the name to Society for the Study of Social Biology. This is the current organization’s name. The spin-off. Ok, social biology means social Darwinism meaning racism, and not just racism in the pure form but selective breeding and sterilization and population reduction and control. The Rockefeller Foundation also provided funds to the eugenics movement in Britain. In the 1960s, the Eugenics Society of England chose something they called Crypto-eugenics. Crypto meaning is hidden. What they stated in their reports is that they will no longer use the word but will continue the program by stealth. They are going to use social justice and other non-governmental agencies to push for population reduction and other measures believed by philosophy.

With assistance from the Rockefellers, the Eugenics Society of England created an organization that still exists and does its job today named International Planned Parenthood Federation, which for 12 years had no other address than the Eugenics Society. Within the Bureau of Social Hygiene, and just the name Social Hygiene gives me the creeps, that is another Rockefeller eugenics foundation. John D. Rockefeller also anonymously financed the infamous eugenicist, racist, and abortion lobbyist Margaret Sanger’s American Birth Control League, Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau, and already mention Planned Parenthood of America. Sanger was also the “mother” of modern feminism with the belief that empowering the woman will lower the birth rate and was the “mother” of the idea of legalized abortion. Rockefeller later founded the whole endeavor. And why would Rockefeller finance feminism? Well, they required females to work so that they could tax half of the population more and that will also lower the average income meaning more work from everyone for less money meaning more to the elite. Their children would now be without supervision and will have to go into state-run schools. They could then be ‘taught’ whatever is necessary to be loyal to the state. However, the main reason is that the nuclear family would take a nosedive and the birth rate with it.
Sanger was also the initiator of The Negro Project. It was a social control mechanism designed to depopulate negroids. In a 1939 message to Clarence Gamble, she wrote:
“We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to their more rebellious members.”
In 1939, Sanger changed the name of her Clinical Research Bureau to the Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau, both integral institutions to the Negro Project, which became the Planned Parenthood Federation of America in 1942. The same foundation that today provides women with birth control pills for free. Rockefeller family has as much control as it does, plus all other elites and their obsession with eugenics is a great concern for the common man.
It is on a global scale now considering Rockefeller’s and Rothschilds’ connection with the creation of the United Nations and their role in its creation. Population control and reduction are some of the main concerns of the UN itself. They fund a variety of different organizations under the UN umbrella to be stealthy. They adopted the England stealth model now. For example the United Nations Population Fund. Sven Burmester, a representative of the U.N. organization, stated his support for the practices of China’s population control programs publicly. He said:
“China has had the most successful family planning policy in the history of mankind in terms of quantity, and with that, China has done mankind a favor.”
The Rockefellers themselves are only agents or partners of individuals at even higher places. It is the entire elite that supports this philosophy.
The point of this analysis is that we understand logically that the same people behind eugenics are the same people behind the industry or let’s say shareholders of Big Pharma that supposedly want to heal people from disease. The same people who see common people as cattle for selective breeding.
Transhumanism, for example, is a modern form of belief that is associated with eugenics. Most transhumanists have the same views but nevertheless distance themselves from the term “eugenics” (preferring “germinal choice” or “reprogenetics”). It is the same system that pushes for the depopulation of the planet on different fronts with different measures including war. Even fetal screening can be viewed as a form of modern eugenics because it may lead to the abortion of a child with undesirable traits. In Iceland, with prenatal screening, they managed to “heal” Down syndrome.
The way Eugenics and Social Darwinism work is that there is no mercy or good or wrong or evil. The strong shall inherit the Earth not the meek. Christian philosophy of altruism like Matthew 5:5: “Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth“ is in their mind just childish.
Who weeps for the Neanderthals?
Passages selected from a book: Pokimica, Milos. Go Vegan? Review of Science Part 2. Kindle ed., Amazon, 2018.
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Milos Pokimica is a doctor of natural medicine, clinical nutritionist, medical health and nutrition writer, and nutritional science advisor. Author of the book series Go Vegan? Review of Science, he also operates the natural health website
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Milos Pokimica is a doctor of natural medicine, clinical nutritionist, medical health and nutrition writer, and nutritional science advisor. Author of the book series Go Vegan? Review of Science, he also operates the natural health website
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