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The goal of GoVeganWay is to bring to you, and your doctor, the latest research in the field of nutritional science. The goal of GoVeganWay is to represent evidence-based health research in a way that is easy to understand so that we can all benefit from the available science.

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Brain size, intelligence and meat consumption- The vegan argument
Brain size, intelligence and meat consumption- The vegan argument
Combining some amount of foraged meat to the predominantly vegan diet did not become a pivotal force in the emergence of human intelligence and brain size.
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Micronutrient Deficiency in Standard American Diet: Optimization Strategies
Micronutrient Deficiency in Standard American Diet: Optimization Strategies
Nutrition profile of our modern meat, sugar, processed food diet is completely incongruent with our evolution resulting in severe micronutrient deficiency.
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Acrylamide exposure- Chips, fries, and cancer
Acrylamide exposure- Chips, fries, and cancer
Acrylamide is classified as a Group 2A human carcinogen. In 2002 it was discovered in extremely high concentrations in potato chips and French fries.
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Methylene Blue: Therapeutic Uses and Clinical Significance
Methylene Blue is a powerful synthetic antioxidant. It improves mitochondrial function and the ability of our cells to produce energy.
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Spirulina Benefits: Phycocyanin Rich Superfood
Spirulina has strong antioxidant, anticancer, antiviral, and immunomodulatory properties as ell as a capacity to combat obesity, diabetes, and cholesterol.
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Carnism- The psychology of meat consumption
Carnism- The psychology of meat consumption
Meat-eating or Carnism is the culture that is learned. Carnivores would eat any meat no matter what it is. We would only eat a few animals that we deem as food.
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Mediterranean diet- “Wonder” of olive oil
Mediterranean diet- “Wonder” of olive oil
Marketed as a wonder of olive oil, the Mediterranean diet had nothing to do with any oil of any sort except in the measure that it can replace butter and lard.
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Methylene Blue: Therapeutic Uses and Clinical Significance
Methylene Blue is a powerful synthetic antioxidant. It improves mitochondrial function and the ability of our cells to produce energy.
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Turmeric: Enhancing Health and Clinical Benefits
Turmeric: Enhancing Health and Clinical Benefits
In turmeric, there are more than 300 active phytochemicals so far identified. It is so powerful that it can even alter our gene expression.
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Excitotoxicity of MSG (Monosodium glutamate)-Scientific Review
Excitotoxicity of MSG (Monosodium glutamate)-Scientific Review
The most significant finding in the whole history of the food industry is one particular branch of neurotoxins that are called excitotoxins.
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Food Industry- Historical review
Food Industry- Historical review
Food industry cartel have complete control over the entire world grain trade and also controls dairy, oil, meat, fruits and vegetables, sugar, and all forms of spices.
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antioxidants vs food
Antioxidant Supplements vs Whole Foods: Paying to Live a Shorter Life
Antioxidant supplements do not show the observed health benefits of diets rich in fruits and vegetables while vitamin E, selenium, beta carotene, lycopene show an increased risk of cancer.
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Aspartame: The Truth About Its Health Risks and Dangers
Aspartame: The Truth About Its Health Risks and Dangers
One chemical made industry so happy. It is chemical that does all the things that excitotoxins do but unlike MSG is sweet to the taste. It is chemical known as aspartame (Nutra Sweet).
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Artificial sweeteners- Understanding the basics
Artificial sweeteners- Understanding the basics
Artificial sweeteners are unnatural synthetic chemicals and we will have to look into available science to understand the potential health effects that these chemicals might have.
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Food Industry- Hunger by design
Food Industry- Hunger by design
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Gene Expression and Epigenetics: How Diet and Environment Shape Your Health
Gene Expression and Epigenetics: How Diet and Environment Shape Your Health
It is not genes that matter but the way they express themselves.
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B12 Deficiency and Cognitive Decline: Homocysteine Optimization Strategies
Vitamins that regulate homocysteine levels are B12, folate, and B6. Most non-vegans get enough B12 but not enough folate while vegans get more folate but do not have any B12 if not supplemented.
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vitamin c orange
Antioxidant Power of Vitamin C: Enhancing Health and Longevity
Vitamin C does not require enzymatic activity to be removed from the body and does not become pro-oxidant but a reduced form of more weak antioxidant.
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Antioxidant Impaired Training Adaptations: Preventing Oxidative Damage in the Muscle
Supplemental antioxidants can block the main benefit of exercise and that is an increase in our own endogenous antioxidant production.
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Low Histamine Diet and Histamine Intolerance: Complete Gide
Low Histamine Diet and Histamine Intolerance: Complete Gide
One way to manage histamine intolerance is to follow a low histamine diet. This means avoiding foods that are high in histamine or that can trigger its release.
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Vitamin C
Intravenous Vitamin C in the Treatment of Influenza: Living Proof from Clinical Practice
When you want intravenous vitamin C administered in the hospital, you don't tell your doctor. Instead, you tell your lawyer to tell your doctor, in writing.
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Spirulina Benefits: Phycocyanin Rich Superfood
Spirulina has strong antioxidant, anticancer, antiviral, and immunomodulatory properties as ell as a capacity to combat obesity, diabetes, and cholesterol.
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Chlorella Benefits: Plant-Based B12, Iron, Zinc & Detox
Chlorella is a vegan source of B12, iron and zinc, has strong chelation properties for heavy metals, boosts immune system, lowers cholesterol and anemia risk.
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