L'Histoire du Monopole Big Pharma- Rockefeller
Écrit par : Milos Pokimica
Examiné Médicalement Par : Dr. Xiùying Wáng, M.D.
Mis à jour le 9 juin 2023Rockefeller était-il totalement indépendant en tant qu'individu capitaliste, ou est-il devenu l'agent d'un plus grand cartel bancaire européen ?
Rockefeller was a successful man who did everything in line with Social Darwinism without any regrets and was obsessed with greed. This obscures the fact that from day one, the Rockefellers began advancing towards a complete oil monopoly in the United States with almost unlimited funding from the National City Bank of Cleveland. The question is, how much of the Rockefeller wealth may be attributed to old John’s ruthlessness? The National City Bank of Cleveland was recognized in Congressional reports as one of the three Rothschild banks in the US.
Rockefeller had the support and supervision of Jacob Schiff of Kuhn, Loeb & Company, who had been born in the Rothschild house in Frankfurt. He was Rothschild’s main representative in the U.S. With the seed money of unlimited amounts from the National City Bank of Cleveland, John D. Rockefeller soon laid claim to the title of “the most ruthless American,” but with full unlimited funding from old ruling monopolists from Europe. Rothschild had backed him, but to what extent I could not tell. Was he just an agent, or was he a form of partner at the end? It is not relevant to us.
The world financial structure, on the other hand, cannot be a hidden organization like other policies. First on the list are the major Swiss banks. These are not ordinary banks but survivors of the old Venetian-Genoese banking elite. Then there is the British combine with a center in the Bank of England. From the Bank of England, it operates to control merchant banks through the Rothschilds and the Oppenheimers and to hold full power over their Canadian territory through the Royal Bank of Canada and the Bank of Montreal. The Bank of England establishes colonial banking constructions in the United States through the Federal Reserve System. The Boston Brahmin families who made their wealth in the opium trade, the Delanos, and Kissinger network headquartered in the Rockefeller Bank, American Express, Chase Manhattan Bank represent a form of the old Rothschild representatives in the United States, which includes Kuhn, Loeb Company, and Lehman Brothers. Then there is also the world’s great five of grain trade that controls food distribution. But this is too complex to analyze and would need a couple of articles just to scratch the surface of this entire oligarchy.
In the case of the newly emerging chemical industry, part of Rockefeller’s monopoly on the medicine and chemical industries came to fruition after WWII. This occurred on a global scale, not just in the US, thanks to the cooperation between Rockefeller and Rothschild. On the other side of the Atlantic, the international drug and chemical cartel, I.G. Farben, was created in 1925, known as Interessen Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie Aktien Gesellschaft or I.G. Farben, and often called “The Cartel,” as it held an absolute monopoly in manufacturing all chemical products leading up to WWII. After the war, it merged with Rockefeller companies to become a single global cartel controlling the chemical industry worldwide.
Après novembre 1910, lorsque le sénateur Nelson Aldrich a présidé la conférence secrète de Jekyll Island qui a donné lieu à la Federal Reserve Act, les Rockefeller ont maintenu les États-Unis à l'intérieur du cercle de la London Connection. Après toute la consolidation, le cartel désormais mondial de l'industrie médicale avait été créé. Comme prévu. Un monopole d'une industrie médicale et chimique qui fait partie d'un cartel plus large du système bancaire et financier international mondial, de l'armée et d'autres industries, consolidé en un facteur de contrôle aux proportions énormes qui a sapé le processus démocratique au niveau gouvernemental et sapé le système judiciaire et tout ce qui peut être miné. Et pas seulement aux États-Unis, mais à l'échelle mondiale. Pas publiquement mais secrètement. Ce système ne veut pas que vous appreniez par exemple l'histoire de la création de Big Pharma parce qu'ils veulent que vous regardiez les médias grand public et que vous soyez bon à l'école et que vous suiviez la ligne. Le gouvernement est là pour vous protéger. Les guerres sont là pour la paix et les médecins sont là pour prendre soin de votre santé et de celle de vos enfants.
If you make an opinion or assumption that some diagnoses or treatments might not be valid to highly titled and highly ranked medical professionals (professors, specialists, scientific researchers or advisers, and so on), their psychological makeup will perceive it not just as a personal attack but an attack on the entire science of medicine that backs them up. It is the medical branch that has the authority just by itself to determine what health is and anything else related to it. So when a doctor says something related to health, any layman’s opinion has no merit. From my personal experience, the level of anger they can experience is high when I, with my uneducated background, begin to contradict the diagnoses and treatments, and usually, I am right and have, in some cases, more insight than them, and that is severely psychologically disturbing for some reason for their entire profession. Why? Because the doctors are educated to the highest standards, and we are not. They have spent six years just in college learning, and we have not. They spend time at conventions and constantly learn to keep in touch with science, and we do not. And of course, it is widely known how much medicine is a scientific field. Not everyone can do medicine. Only verified and educated persons, and that is it. Period.
Avez-vous un problème avec ça ? Eh bien, il y a l'Organisation mondiale de la santé pour s'assurer que vous ne le faites pas. Ce sont exactement ces deux choses que le capitalisme a apportées à la médecine : certification et qualification. La seule question est de savoir qui était celui qui a fait tout le système de qualification (éducation) ou en d'autres termes la licence ou l'approbation à un individu de faire de la médecine. C'est exactement ce que Rockefeller et son cartel chimique et pharmaceutique ont fait. C'est exactement ce qui a été systématiquement conçu et poussé par un cartel depuis le début du 20e siècle jusqu'à la fin après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, lorsque la médecine a été socialisée en tant que système de soins de santé de masse au niveau gouvernemental, incluant également le système de médecine préventive. Et tout cela est obligatoire et contrôlé par l'État.
Aujourd'hui, votre santé et votre bien-être sont une préoccupation de l'État et non la vôtre. Vous devez faire ce que l'État, l'école et les médias vous disent de faire et être un bon citoyen. C'est un mécanisme nécessaire (la loi) mais il y a un grand secret et c'est que l'État travaille avec Big Pharma derrière votre dos, donc Big Pharma est celui qui est en charge et en tire tout l'argent. C'était le plan Rockefeller depuis le début. Pour utiliser l'État comme exécuteur.
They passed different laws one in 1939 known as: “The Wagner National Health Act.”
They used Robert Ferdinand Wagner, a Rothschild agent from Germany to do so. Senator Wagner’s bill, the National Health Act of 1939, provided overall support for a public health plan to be financed by federal grants to states and administered by states and localities. The Wagner Bill grew and turned from a proposal for federal grants-in-aid to a program for public health insurance. Originally launched in 1943, it shifted to Wagner-Murray- Dingell Bill. Le projet de loi demandait une assurance maladie nationale obligatoire et une taxe sur les salaires.
The compulsory insurance. Exactly what they wanted the whole time. Resistance to this bill was gigantic, and the opponents started a brutal red-baiting assault on the board stating that one of its key policy analysts, I.S. Falk, was a conduit between the International Labor Organization (ILO) in Switzerland and the United States government. The ILO was red-baited as “an awesome political machine bent on world domination.”
Bien que le projet de loi Wagner-Murray-Dingell ait suscité de vastes débats nationaux, avec une opposition accrue, le projet de loi n'a jamais été adopté par le Congrès malgré sa réintroduction à chaque session pendant 14 ans!
Had it passed, the Act would have established compulsory national health insurance funded by payroll taxes. You need to understand that the state is there as a smokescreen and enforcer of the secret agenda that is behind all of this, the agenda that you are not supposed to know or see. It has been done in most of the globe and industry still is going to push for more control. Your life is not yours. Your life is theirs. It is in the hands of certified individuals. Visits to the doctor’s office have become something normal and mandatory in the life of every modern human being. People are indoctrinated into the belief that without the supervision of doctors and checkups and vaccines and drugs, we would all die or be deformed and that evading regular checkups is something primitive and dangerous. There is no life without the doctor’s supervision, and the sad thing about it is that life is actually not their business at all. Quite the opposite.
Doctors were transformed into factory workers. By the new Rockefeller laws, they were employed and paid by the state. They were to do their eight-hour shift and get their pay no matter if they actually heal someone or not or if a patient died at their hands. By these new laws, doctors were practically removed from the patients and put into the industry’s hands because they did not have any interest anymore to help anyone because they have their pay one way or the other. There are going to have the interest to not lose that pay by disobeying the industry guidelines and doing things that are outside of prescribing drugs and surgery. And the pay was good. Doctor’s annual income began to rise dramatically and they had become the elite profession with them becoming part of the middle and upper class. In past times that was not the case.
Cependant, nous n'avons pas à nous inquiéter. En cas de doute, le site gouvernemental Open Payments Data nous permet d'appréhender complètement le lien économique entre médecins et laboratoires pharmaceutiques aux États-Unis. Il n'est pas nécessaire d'avoir un haut niveau de compréhension pour comprendre de quoi il s'agit (manipulation émotionnelle pour apaiser votre esprit, marketing et propagande du gouvernement pour vous remettre en ligne), surtout parce que c'est plutôt un mystère que les sociétés pharmaceutiques achètent essentiellement hors de l'industrie médicale.
Il est peu probable que votre médecin ait créé la composition dominante de l'industrie médicale. Votre médecin ne connaît peut-être même pas la complexité de l'industrie pharmaceutique. Arnold Relman, professeur à Harvard et ancien rédacteur en chef du New England Journal of Medicine a parfaitement décrit la situation lorsqu'il a écrit :
“The medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine but also in terms of teaching and research…The academic institutions of this country are allowing themselves to be the paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry. I think it is disgraceful.”
Références :
Passages sélectionnés à partir d'un livre : Pokimica, Milos. Devenir vegetarien? Examen de la science, partie 2. Kindle éd., Amazone, 2018.
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Milos Pokimica est docteur en médecine naturelle, nutritionniste clinique, rédacteur en santé médicale et nutrition et conseiller en sciences nutritionnelles. Auteur de la série de livres Devenir vegetarien ? Examen des sciences, il exploite également le site Web de santé naturelle GoVeganWay.com
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Milos Pokimica est docteur en médecine naturelle, nutritionniste clinique, rédacteur en santé médicale et nutrition et conseiller en sciences nutritionnelles. Auteur de la série de livres Devenir vegetarien ? Examen des sciences, il exploite également le site Web de santé naturelle GoVeganWay.com
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