Рак, Запрещенные Лекарства- ESSIAC
Автор: Милош Покимица
Медицинская Обзор: Доктор Сюйинь Ван, Доктор Медицинских Наук.
Updated Май 28, 2023Истина - это ложь. Это оруэлловский двусмысленный язык. Связи между фармацевтической промышленностью, банковскими картелями, владеющими этой промышленностью, медицинскими учреждениями и правительствами определяют повестку дня не только для того, чтобы заработать больше денег, но и для того, чтобы управлять человечеством в целом. Сегодня это зашло настолько далеко, что осуществляется под эгидой ООН.
Одним из приземленных и не очень "философских" аспектов этой программы является планомерное уничтожение индустрии натурального здравоохранения и доступа к натуральным добавкам как завершающий удар в войне с растениями, которая длится уже более 100 лет. И проблема не только в растениях, поскольку они не могут быть запатентованы. Дело не в деньгах. Дело не только в деньгах. Любое настоящее лекарство, уничтожающее болезнь в корне, не нужно промышленности, даже если оно может быть запатентовано. Им не нужны лекарства, им нужны только методы лечения, которые могут немного продлить жизнь. Давайте посмотрим на реальные примеры.
In a small town in Northern Ontario, back in 1922, rumors began circulating of some cancer-curing tea that was originating from the forests of Ontario. The Canadian Ojibwa tribe originally used a mixture. Indians called this mixture the “tea of life.” On a fateful day in 1922 Canadian cancer nurse, Rene Caisse noticed scar tissue on the breast of an elderly English woman.
She was diagnosed with breast cancer 30 years before and she cured it naturally without surgery, and that should not be possible, not even today. The woman just did not have the money for it. She met an Indian medicine man who told her that in his tribe’s tradition they are able to cure the disease with some tea.
Что ж, женщине терять было нечего. Она попробовала чай, и он ей помог. Через 30 лет, когда ее осматривала медсестра Кейси, она была еще жива.
She also told the ingredients of the herbal remedy to the nurse. One year after that, nurse Caissie still didn’t do anything about the tea she had her about, but some local doctor in a walk told her that if the world uses some weed they just had walked by there, there will be no more breast cancer. It was one of the weeds in herbal remedy in that Indian medicine man tea.
The “weed” was sheep sorrel.
In 1924 she decided to test the tea on her aunt. Her aunt had nothing to lose because she had cancer of the stomach and conventional medicine at the time was given her about six months to live. She lived for another 21 years, cancer free. Rene Caisse (pronounced “Reen Case”) later gave the tea to her 72-year-old mother who was diagnosed with inoperable cancer of the liver, with only weeks to live. Her own mother healed and lived without cancer for another 18 years. After these events, Nurse Caisse decided to quit the hospital and began curing people with a mixture of herbs that would become known as Essiac which is her last name spelled backward.
Вскоре голос распространился, и число пациентов стало расти. Когда доктор Бестида из Брейсбриджа, Онтарио, прислал Кэсси своего пациента Берта Розина, она вылечила его, а доктор Бестида обратился к городскому совету и мэру и убедил их отдать сестре Кэсс здание под клинику. Так они открыли клинику, потому что Кэсси сделала великое открытие, и они хотели, чтобы ее поддержал родной город.
She treated for eight and a half years there with patients flocking in from all directions. She treated around six hundred patients a week, and the only way she was allowed to do this was free of charge and she needed to have a doctor’s diagnosis for every case she treated. Now just imagine if we impose the same rules on the cancer industry of today.
However, it was one Dr. Leonardo from Buffalo who had immediately recognized the potential of this cancer cure that warned her of what is going to happen. He was a cancer surgeon, and he asked if he can go to the clinic and examine patients to see for himself. After he had seen for himself, he said to Cassie that she has it (the cure), but the medical profession will never be going to let her do this. After a while of his visit, a small group of mysterious “entrepreneurs” showed up offering Cassie a small sum of one million dollars for the secret formula. At that time one million was a big sum of money. The equivalent of 20 million today. Now we can think of this as a bribe to keep her quiet and go some place warm and nice to retire. What these people would not prepare to guarantee was that her cure would be made available for free or available at all to people that needed it. They just wanted the formula and her to go away. The only reason why we know about this today and you can read about it is because she refused. She was emotional and not pragmatic. She treated people for free in the clinic. Would you have refused such an offer? Who in her right mind would? How many other cures have been suppressed by this form of bribe that we do not know about, and we would never know?
In 1938 her case was called before the legislature to determent the Essiac legal status. She was trying to legalize her treatment. Her patients gathered 55,000 signatures for a petition. A bill was introduced in the Ontario legislature to (allegedly) “authorize Rene Caisse to practice medicine in the Province of Ontario in the treatment of cancer and conditions therein.” Bill failed to pass. Public anger forced the establishment of a Cancer commission to investigate her remedies, but it was all rejected. Rene Caisse treated her patients under the supervision of many doctors. Some of those doctors saw with their own eyes what this tea could do, and eight of them signed a petition to the Department of National Health and Welfare at Ottawa, asking that Nurse Caisse be given facilities to do independent research on her discovery. Initially, Rene was not acquainted with the control that the medical/pharmaceutical industry had over governments. After the petition was delivered, she was continually threatened with arrest until she finally withdrew from public view. She kept on her clinic as long as she could until they stopped the doctors from giving the diagnosis and then she was forced to stop. Patients were still coming and in some cases begging her to treat them, but she was not able to do so without a diagnosis because she would be thrown in jail for a long time. She had a nervous breakdown and closed the clinic.
Essiac was cheap. Essiac is non-toxic. Essiac cannot be patented.
Она отказалась от взятки.
В нормальном мире такое открытие было бы встречено с распростертыми руками, и были бы проведены обширные исследования, чтобы выяснить, каким способом можно подавить рак. В этом мире, полном коррупции, подобные вещи называются фальшивыми и опасными, и в данном случае СМИ, принадлежащие корпорациям, не смогли демонизировать медсестру Кэсси, поскольку она не брала денег за лечение. Поэтому они просто тихонько осудили клинику и навесили на нее ярлык фальшивого лекарства от рака, которого людям следует избегать, не проводя никаких исследований. В то время у нее был диагноз, поставленный обычными врачами. У нее были результаты патологоанатомических исследований и тысячи живых пациентов, которых выписали из обычных больниц и отправили умирать домой. Они попадали к ней на последних стадиях рака и жили после того, как от них отказалась медицина. И при этом они отказывались даже признать пользу чая Essiac, не проведя ни одного исследования.
По сей день Американское онкологическое общество утверждает, что:
“Reviews of medical records of people who have been treated with Essiac do not support claims that this product helps people with cancer live longer or that it relieves their symptoms” and the FDA described Essiac as a “Fake Cancer ‘Cure’ Consumers Should Avoid.”
Cancer Research UK также отмечает, что:
” There is no scientific evidence that Essiac can help to treat cancer or control its symptoms” and even warns that: “Essiac may interact with some types of cancer treatment, so it is very important to tell your doctor if you are thinking of taking Essiac.”
After she recovered from the breakdown, she started again from scratch brewing the herbal mixture in her own basement and curing a small number of patients. Soon government began harassing her again and having her arrested more than once. But the story broke out, and JFK’s personal physician, Dr. Charles Brusch who was also his close friend and who treated himself with Essiac when he battled cancer sent her an invitation to test Essiac scientifically. Caisse gave some samples of Essiac to Dr. Charles Brusch, who was also the founder of the Brusch Medical Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where tests were done. These first scientific tests showed that Essiac is not toxic and did have positive effects a cancer suppression. At that time Dr. Brusch recommended that Essiac should be tested for toxicity in order to be approved by the FDA as a possible cancer treatment.
После того как этот чай попал в онкологический центр Слоуна-Кеттеринга, процесс каким-то образом застопорился. В 1970-х годах в лаборатории Мемориального онкологического центра Слоуна-Кеттеринга проводились испытания образцов Essiac (предоставленных компанией Caisse) на мышах. Это исследование так и не было официально опубликовано. Результаты исследования вызывают споры. Были необъяснимые задержки, еще больше задержек, а процесс так и не привел ни к какому выводу. Онкологический центр Слоан-Кеттеринг - предположительно один из важнейших центров исследования рака в США. Честер Сток, содиректор Sloan-Kettering, в интервью информационному агентству заявил, что результаты, которые он сообщил, показали, что в небольшой группе был очень маленький процент регрессии, но у них никогда не было возможности подтвердить это и посмотреть, могут ли они получить лучшие результаты.
В итоге Эссиак не был одобрен FDA. На предложения исследователей из Memorial Sloan-Kettering и Национального института рака США получить доступ к рецепту, Каиссе ответил отказом. Дело дошло до того, что сами пациенты начали организовывать судебные иски против правительства и FDA. Они считали, что в соответствии с конституцией они могут вводить в себя любое вещество, если оно не представляет опасности для окружающих, и что ни FDA, ни кто-либо другой не может указывать им, что они могут или не могут использовать в своем организме, поэтому различные группы пациентов организовывались и подавали в суд на FDA за отказ в возможном лекарстве.
Судебные слушания ни к чему не привели, да и в конституционных правах им было отказано.
Dr. Frederick Banting, the co-discoverer of insulin became interested in Essiac and even offered Nurse Caisse research facilities to test it further, but by this time Rene had already lost her will to fight. The single woman Rene Caisse trusted to help her make Essiac tea was her best friend, Mary McPherson According to Dr. Gary Glum, Mary had promised Rene never to share the recipe with anyone. It was one Dr. Glum that in 1985 purchased the formula for $120,000 from one of Rene’s former patients. Dr. Glum could have kept the formula secret and become very wealthy selling bottles of Essiac. However, he unselfishly released the formula into the public domain in 1988. At first, he offered the formula on a videotape that he advertised in his book, but the feds unlawfully seized the tapes before he could sell very many of them. Dr. Glum gave out the Essiac formula and recipe free of charge to anyone who mailed him a request for the Essiac formula. When Dr. Glum met Mary McPherson in Bracebridge, Ontario, and told her what the Essiac formula was, she was more than a little surprised. According to Dr. Glum, Mary eventually revealed the formula in 1994 because it was no longer a secret, and she wanted to end the controversy over the Essiac formula before she died.
Therefore, on December 23, 1994, the “Essiac” formula & recipe was officially entered into the public domain with the recording of Mary McPherson’s affidavit.
В состав эссенции входит смесь различных трав, в том числе щавель овечий (Rumex acetosella), который впоследствии был признан самым мощным. Кроме того, в состав эссенции входят кора вязеля (Ulmus fulva), корень лопуха (Arctium lappa) и ревень турецкий (Rheum palmatum).
Slippery elm is the only Essiac herb native to North America. Turkey rhubarb (Rheum palmatum) is native to China and Tibet, not northern Ontario, so it appears unlikely that it was a part of the original medicine man’s formula of indigenous herbs in the late 1800s. It appears that both burdock and sheep sorrel were brought to this continent from Europe by early settlers who then passed on their knowledge of these two herbs to the local tribes. Burdock and sheep sorrel eventually spread throughout North America where water was sufficient. Rene Caisse indicated that sheep sorrel was one of the original herbs, so it appears that sheep sorrel had migrated to “the wilds of Northern Ontario” before the 1890s. Burdock could have also established itself in Northern Ontario by then. René Caisse felt sheep sorrel was the most active cancer fighter among all the herbs present in her formula. Dr. Chester Stock shared that viewpoint at Sloan-Kettering. Dr. Stock conducted some studies on sheep sorrel benefits for over three years in the mid-seventies.
Трава Объем Масса Форма Рецепт %
Корень лопуха гороховидного измельченный 53%.
Щавель овечий в порошке 36%.
Кора скользкого вяза порошкообразная 9%.
Корень ревеня индейки порошкообразный 2%.
В 2012 году было проведено одно исследование в Венгрии. Результаты исследования, проведенного в Венгрии, были опубликованы и показали, что трава щавеля овечьего и ряд родственных ему видов щавеля демонстрируют значительную ингибирующую активность (не менее 50% ингибирования пролиферации клеток) в отношении одной или нескольких линий раковых клеток.
Очко в пользу травников.
A survey carried out in the year 2000 found approximately 15% of Canadian women with breast cancer to be using Essiac. It has also become popular in people with immune diseases such as HIV and diabetes and as a regular herbal tea as well. Some preventative measures in health-oriented individuals. Research conducted since Caisse’s death provided some insight.
Травы, используемые для приготовления Эссиака, обладают антиоксидант и противораковыми свойствами, говорится в исследовании, проведенном в Европейском институте онкологии. Результаты исследования были опубликованы в мартовском номере журнала Journal of Ethnopharmacology за 2006 год. Исследователи обнаружили, что четыре травы, входящие в состав Эссиака, обладают природной способностью защищать от рака.
Наконец, быстрый поиск в архиве PubMed может дать нам несколько исследований типа (Оттенвеллер и др., 2004). Для изучения реакции пролиферации, опосредованной добавлением эссенции, они исследовали in vitro линии раковых клеток и клетки селезенки, выделенные от мышей. Они обнаружили снижение пролиферации как нераковых трансформированных, так и раковых клеток простаты при добавлении Эссиака в культуральную среду, что означает, что чай останавливал деление всех клеток, но процентное подавление раковых клеток было выше, чем процентное подавление обычных клеток, что говорит о том, что Эссиак может оказывать дополнительное избирательное действие на раковые клетки. Кроме того, действие эссенции было измерено в анализе пролиферации иммунных Т-лимфоцитов. При низких дозах Эссиака наблюдалось увеличение пролиферации этих Т-клеток, но при более высоких дозах Эссиак ингибировал пролиферацию Т-клеток. Это означает, что Эссиак может подавлять рост опухолевых клеток и одновременно усиливать иммунный ответ. Это может быть особенно важно для людей с ослабленным иммунитетом. Например, при ВИЧ-инфекции.
В данном исследование (Сили и др., 2007). Эссиак продемонстрировал значительные антиоксидант активность, проявлял значительное иммуномодулирующее действие, в частности, через стимуляцию фагоцитоза гранулоцитов и умеренное ингибирование воспалительных путей. Эссиак проявлял значительную клеточно-специфическую цитотоксичность в отношении клеток эпителиальной карциномы яичников (то есть убивал рак). Авторы пришли к выводу, что данное исследование является первым комплексным изучением in vitro эффектов эссенции и что анализ in vitro эссенции указывает на то, что значительные антиоксидантные и иммуномодулирующие свойства, а также неопластические клетки (клетки, входящие в состав опухоли), специфическая цитотоксичность (убивает только раковые клетки), что согласуется с историческими свойствами, приписываемыми этому соединению. Существуют и другие исследования, в которых ничего не обнаружено, и даже одно исследование, обнаружившее повышенный риск развития рака молочной железы (Кульп и др., 2006).
Таким образом, мы снова имеем противоречивые научные данные. За сто лет, прошедших с момента появления эссенции, мы до сих пор не имеем четкой картины. В мире, где якобы ежегодно тратятся сотни миллионов долларов на исследования рака (причина, по которой все эти лекарства от рака якобы стоят так дорого), как-то трудно провести простую экспертизу и исследование чая. Или любое другое исследование "альтернативных" методов лечения, если уж на то пошло.
The FDA response is that the reason why they do not test these is that they do not want to give quacks credibility. And they are lying. They do not want to give the “alternatives” any chance to prove their efficacy because they are not there to protect you or heal you.
They are there to protect Rockefeller’s big pharma business. There are many cases to be cited concerning congressional investigations I just used Essiac as one example. If you want you can go and read 1963 hearings of Senator Paul Douglas of Illinois on Krebiozen.
- Ottenweller, J., Putt, K., Blumenthal, E. J., Dhawale, S., & Dhawale, S. W. (2004). Ингибирование пролиферации клеток рака предстательной железы с помощью Эссиака. Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.), 10(4), 687-691. https://doi.org/10.1089/acm.2004.10.687
- Seely, D., Kennedy, D. A., Myers, S. P., Cheras, P. A., Lin, D., Li, R., Cattley, T., Brent, P. A., Mills, E., & Leonard, B. J. (2007). Анализ in vitro травяного сбора Эссиак. Противоопухолевое исследование, 27(6B), 3875-3882. [PubMed].
- Kulp, K. S., Montgomery, J. L., Nelson, D. O., Cutter, B., Latham, E. R., Shattuck, D. L., Klotz, D. M., & Bennett, L. M. (2006). Травяные тоники Essiac и Flor-Essence стимулируют рост клеток рака молочной железы человека in vitro. Исследование и лечение рака молочной железы, 98(3), 249-259. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10549-005-9156-x
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Милош Покимица - доктор естественной медицины, клинический диетолог, автор статей о здоровье и питании и консультант по вопросам питания. Автор серии книг Стать веганом? Обзор науки, он также управляет веб - сайтом natural health GoVeganWay.com
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- Fine-tuned brain-computer interface makes prosthetic limbs feel more realon Январь 16, 2025
Two new articles document progress in neuroprosthetic technology that lets people feel the shape and movement of objects moving over the ‘skin’ of a bionic hand.
- Child undernutrition may be contributing to global measles outbreaks, researchers findon Январь 16, 2025
Amid a global surge in measles cases, new research suggests that undernutrition may be exacerbating outbreaks in areas suffering from food insecurity. A study involving over 600 fully vaccinated children in South Africa found those who were undernourished had substantially lower levels of antibodies against measles.
- Do parents really have a favorite child? Here’s what new research sayson Январь 16, 2025
A new study found that younger siblings generally receive more favorable treatment from parents. Meanwhile, older siblings are often granted more autonomy, and parents are less controlling towards them as they grow up.
- Fatal neurodegenerative disease in kids also affects the bowelon Январь 15, 2025
Researchers have described the neurodegeneration that occurs in the nervous system of the bowel in Batten disease, a rare and fatal genetic condition. In their latest study, a team showed that gene therapy to the bowel in mice modeling Batten disease reduced symptoms and extended lifespan.
- Ultrasound-directed microbubbles could boost immune response against tumorson Январь 15, 2025
Researchers have designed process that uses ultrasound to modify the behavior of cancer-fighting T cells by increasing their cell permeability. They targeted freshly isolated human immune cells with tightly focused ultrasound beams and clinically approved contrast agent microbubbles. When hit with the ultrasound, the bubbles vibrate at extremely high frequency, acting as a push-pull on the walls of the T cell’s membranes. This can mimic the T cell’s natural response to the presence of an […]
- Scientists develop tiny anticancer weaponon Январь 15, 2025
A new twist on a decades-old anticancer strategy has shown powerful effects against multiple cancer types in a preclinical study. The experimental approach, which uses tiny capsules called small extracellular vesicles (sEVs), could offer an innovative new type of immunotherapy treatment and is poised to move toward more advanced development and testing.
- Link between gene duplications and deletions within chromosome region and nonsyndromic bicuspid aortic valve diseaseon Январь 15, 2025
Large and rare duplications and deletions in a chromosome region known as 22q11.2 , which involves genes that regulate cardiac development, are linked to nonsyndromic bicuspid aortic valve disease.
Опубликованный, #веганская диета –
- Outcomes of dietary interventions in the prevention and progression of Parkinson’s disease: A literature reviewon Январь 13, 2025
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by motor and non-motor symptoms, primarily due to the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc). Factors contributing to this neuronal degeneration include mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, and neuronal excitotoxicity. Despite extensive research, the exact etiology of PD remains unclear, with both genetic and environmental factors playing significant roles. […]
- Evolving Appetites: Current Evidence and Future Perspectives in Terms of Meat Substitutes in Europeon Январь 13, 2025
Consumers are increasingly aware of the environmental and health impacts of their food choices, leading to changes in consumption behavior. This study examines the consumption patterns and behaviors of European consumers regarding meat substitutes and identifies factors influencing their acceptance as alternative protein sources. The study involved 5000 participants from four European countries-France, Germany, Italy, and Spain with data extracted from the Mintel consumer database in 2024….
- Ultra-Processed Food and Gut Microbiota: Do Additives Affect Eubiosis? A Narrative Reviewon Январь 11, 2025
The gut microbiota plays a key role in health and disease, but it could be affected by various factors (diet, lifestyle, environment, genetics, etc.). Focusing on diet, while the role of the different styles and choices (Mediterranean vs. Western diet, vegan or vegetarian diets) has been extensively studied, there are a few comprehensive papers on the effects of additives and food processing. Therefore, the main goal of this manuscript is to propose an overview of the link between…
- Effects of Plant-Based Diet on Metabolic Parameters, Liver and Kidney Steatosis: A Prospective Interventional Open-label Studyon Январь 10, 2025
This interventional single-center prospective open-label study aims to evaluate the effects of a vegan diet, compared to a vegetarian and omnivorous diet, on metabolic parameters, insulin sensitivity, and liver and kidney steatosis in healthy adults. The study included 53 omnivorous participants aged 18-40 years, body-mass index 18-30 kg/m2, without any chronic disease, chronic medication use, active smoking, or significant alcohol consumption. All participants were omnivorous at baseline and…
- Randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial protocol to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of lyophilised faecal microbiota capsules amended with next-generation beneficial bacteria in…on Январь 9, 2025
BACKGROUND: The spectrum of metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) is highly prevalent, affecting 30% of the world’s population, with a significant risk of hepatic and cardiometabolic complications. Different stages of MASLD are accompanied by distinct gut microbial profiles, and several microbial components have been implicated in MASLD pathophysiology. Indeed, earlier studies demonstrated that hepatic necroinflammation was reduced in individuals with MASLD after…
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- Selection of Nonlethal Early Biomarkers to Predict Gilthead Seabream (Sparus aurata) Growthby Rafael Angelakopoulos on Январь 16, 2025
One of the main challenges in aquaculture is the constant search for sustainable alternative feed ingredients that can successfully replace fishmeal (FM) without any negative effects on fish growth and health. The goal of the present study was to develop a toolbox for rapidly anticipating the dynamics of fish growth following the introduction of a new feed; nonlethal, biochemical, and molecular markers that provide insights into physiological changes in the fish. A nutritional challenge by…
- Healthy Plant-Based Diet, Genetic Predisposition, and the Risk of Incident Venous Thromboembolismby Jing Guo on Январь 16, 2025
CONCLUSIONS: Adherence to a healthy plant-based dietary pattern could reduce the risk of developing VTE independent of genetic background, lifestyles, sociodemographic features, and multiple morbidities. Our findings underline the importance of diet in VTE prevention interventions.
- Confluence of Plant-Based Dietary Patterns and Polygenic Risk for Venous Thromboembolismby Nikolaos Tsaftaridis on Январь 16, 2025
No abstract
- A proposal on bird focal species selection for higher tier risk assessments of plant protection products in the EUby Benedikt Gießing on Январь 16, 2025
The revised EFSA 2023 Guidance on the risk assessment of plant protection products for birds and mammals emphasises vulnerability as a relevant criterion for focal species (FS) selection rather than prevalence. The EFSA 2023 Guidance suggests to rank FS candidates for each dietary group according to their expected exposure by estimating a species-specific daily dietary dose (DDD). Species experiencing higher exposure would be ranked as potentially more vulnerable and can be identified as FS…
- Association between major dietary patterns and mental health problems among college studentsby Elahe Fayyazi on Январь 15, 2025
CONCLUSION: A strong inverse association was observed between the “plant-based” dietary pattern and depression. While the “Western” dietary pattern was not associated with mental health problems among college students, further prospective studies are warranted.
- Association Between Healthful Plant-Based Dietary Pattern and Obesity Trajectories and Future Cardiovascular Diseases in Middle-Aged and Elderly: A Prospective and Longitudinal Cohort Studyby Zhixing Fan on Январь 15, 2025
We aimed to explore the association between plant-based dietary (PBD) patterns and obesity trajectories in middle-aged and elderly, as well as obesity trajectories linked to cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. A total of 7108 middle-aged and elderly UK Biobank participants with at least three physical measurements were included. Dietary information collected at enrolment was used to calculate the healthful plant-based diet index (hPDI). Group-based trajectory modeling identified two […]