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The goal of GoVeganWay is to bring to you, and your doctor, the latest research in the field of nutritional science. The goal of GoVeganWay is to represent evidence-based health research in a way that is easy to understand so that we can all benefit from the available science.

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Acrylamide exposure- Chips, fries, and cancer
Acrylamide exposure- Chips, fries, and cancer
Acrylamide is classified as a Group 2A human carcinogen. In 2002 it was discovered in extremely high concentrations in potato chips and French fries.
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Gene Expression and Epigenetics: How Diet and Environment Shape Your Health
It is not genes that matter but the way they express themselves.
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The McGovern Report- Special Interest and The Suppression of Science
In 1977 the push for a change of Dietary Guidelines (McGovern Report) to more plant-based vegan one had been introduced to U.S. Congress.
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Marketed as a wonder of olive oil, the Mediterranean diet had nothing to do with any oil of any sort except in the measure that it can replace butter and lard.
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Antioxidant Impaired Training Adaptations: Preventing Oxidative Damage in the Muscle
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Spirulina Benefits: Phycocyanin Rich Superfood
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Chlorella Benefits: Plant-Based B12, Iron, Zinc & Detox
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Can You Eat Mushrooms Raw: Health Risks, Nutrition & Safety
Mushrooms have heat-sensitive toxins like hydrazine or agaritine, and cell walls made out of chitin that cannot be digested well by humans.
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Amla: Proven Benefits, Nutrition And Clinical Significance
Amla: Proven Benefits, Nutrition And Clinical Significance
Amla is one of the world’s most powerful antioxidants with a ORAC score of 261,530. It is a rich source of phytochemicals that have various health benefits.
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Homemade Natural Mouthwash: Proven, Stronger & Less Toxic
Homemade natural mouthwash is stronger than chlorhexidine, less toxic and if swallowed might give you some nausea but also a high burst in ORAC value.
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How to Fast: Fasting Foods That Won’t Break Autophagy
To keep us in fasting mode the blood sugar should not get too much higher than 100 mg/dL and if it goes to 120 the autophagy is suspended. Fasting foods are limited to 20 calories per serving.
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Green Beans: Nutrition and Health Benefits
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How to Stop Tooth Decay: Symptoms, Causes & Prevention
Sugar consumption is the main cause of cavities and tooth decay, combined with mineral deficiencies especially magnesium, zinc, copper and trace elements.
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Are Fish Animals? A Cultural Perspective
In some cultures, fish meat is not considered to be meat, and fish is allowed even during fast.
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Sweets Teeth Sensitivity & Pain: Quick Fix & Lasting Solution
A quick and easy fix for pain relief is clove essential oil, a powerful antioxidant and pain reliever that can help with gum disease and toothache.
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