Anticancer Power of Fruits and Vegetables: In Vivo and Clinical Evidence
Some vegetable extracts rival leading chemotherapy drugs and at the same time target multiple different types of cancer cells.
Some vegetable extracts rival leading chemotherapy drugs and at the same time target multiple different types of cancer cells.
There are easy and cost-effective strategies for optimizing the antioxidant value of our diet.
When your main source of antioxidants is coffee, you know that you have a serious problem.
There are no phytochemicals or antioxidants in animal products. On average, plant foods contain more than 60 times as many antioxidants as animal-based foods.
There are nine common nutrient deficiencies on the population scale affecting people eating a plant-based diet. If not corrected on time some deficiencies have terrible and non-treatable consequences.
Nutrition profile of our modern meat, sugar, processed food diet is completely incongruent with our evolution resulting in severe micronutrient deficiency.
Every single phytochemical that exists has a biological action in the human body. Every single one from millions of different phytochemicals.
Known associations with milk and dairy consumption are infertility, ovarian and breast cancer, leukemia, diabetes type 1, autism, arteriosclerosis, cataract, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, hyperactivity, congestion, pimples, and more…
About 2% of cancers are by medicine considered to be purely caused by genetic factors. The same range as within the animal kingdom. You haven’t been told the whole truth.
Scarcity is the rule of protein in nature. In evolutionary terms, anthropologists have proven that hominins lived an average of 15 to 25 grams of protein a day. In the modern western type of high-protein diet we would consume that amount for breakfast only.
When anthropologist studies showed that hominins lived on average of 15 to 20 grams of protein a day there was a so-called a “Great protein fiasco” back in the 1970s.
WHO dietary guidelines recommend a diet low in saturated fat (animal protein), sugar, and salt and high in fruit and vegetables as a requirement to tackle the epidemic rise of chronic diseases worldwide.
Children consume around one-fifth of their total calorie needs from just refined sugar. If we add fat and the rest of nutrition-deprived processed foods to the list it becomes a complete nutrition nightmare.
Processed food means that something from whole food is removed, usually fiber and something is added, usually fat, sugar, salt, and msg.
The recovery rate for patients that have non-treatable cancer and were declared terminally ill by utilizing Rife Machine resonant technology was 100%.
Maybe the worst case of medical suppression was the case of what I like to call broad specter resonance radiation technology (BSRR) first invented by Dr. Royal Raymond Rife.
The part of Rockefeller monopoly on chemical and medicine industries came into fulfillment after WW2. Standard Oil and IG Farben cooperation made this into reality.
In 1977 the push for a change of Dietary Guidelines (McGovern Report) to more plant-based vegan one had been introduced to U.S. Congress.
Children and especially pregnant women are more vulnerable to pesticide exposure. If we analyze real-world exposure levels in real-life scenarios, what would the result be?
Most of the pesticides and especially heavy metals and other toxic waste pollutants we get, we get from meat. More than 80 percent of pesticide exposure in the standard American diet comes from animal products, not from fruits or vegetables.
As the level of fat in the bloodstream rises the ability of the body to clear sugar drops. One of the diabetes causes is our maladaptation to a large fat intake
People believe that refined carbohydrates are associated with insulin spikes and are one of the diabetes causes. They are right. However, they are also wrong.
One of the first scientific studies on what hunger does to the mind was observed in a study remembered as the Minnesota Starvation Experiment performed by the University of Minnesota back in 1944.
In nature, there is no refined sugar or fat. Our brain had never been exposed to a combination of the two all at once forcing us into binge eating disorder.
China study showed that there is no heart disease or cancer or diabetes in undeveloped rural communities in the world with starch-based vegan diets.
Our natural optimal human diet is a diet that our hominin ancestors were eating for the last 30 million years, not anatomically modern humans in the Stone age.
Are humans omnivores in a true anatomical sense? There is a fundamental difference in the way the digestive tract works in plant vs meat-eating species.
What is the cause of obesity epidemic? For all life on Earth, food is not a choice. The hardest thing for the animal in the wilderness is to gain weight.
Environmental toxicity is the bioaccumulation of toxins. Organisms are filters. But there is one more even worse process called biomagnification in food chain.