によって書かれた: ミロス ポキミカ
医学的に検証した結果 Xiùying Wáng, M.D. 博士。
2023年9月2日更新食品業界は単なる産業であり、何も存在せず、単なる通常のビジネスであると考えているかもしれませんが、状況はそれよりもはるかに複雑です。少なくとも4000年前、バビロンでは食物が武器として使用されていました。その時から今に至るまで、特に何も変わっていません。の 食品業界 は、大手製薬会社を支配し、他のすべての国際企業を大幅に支配しているのと同じグループによって支配されています。同じ寡頭制が何度も繰り返されるのです。
Six agrochemical corporations control around 85% of the entire world’s food markets and what they want to do is to gain control over the entire food chain, from the seeds to the table.
The cause of the food deficit was not natural but was a result of the western financial policy. Considering the global population is now at 7.2 billion, in the lack of population control in their mind and some Pentagon projections, these 7.2 billion would become 14 billion by 2040, 28 billion by 2070, and 56 billion by the end of the 21st century. This is clearly in their mind an unsustainable growth given that we live on a finite planet, and that we now use almost 40% of the earth’s ice-free landmass to feed ourselves. There are no more landmasses to discover and exploit, we have destroyed the planet’s life maintenance systems and have polluted the soil and the sea.
“It is questionable,” Kissinger once gloated, “whether aid donor countries will be prepared to provide the sort of massive food aid called for by the import projections on a continuing long-term basis. The large-scale famine of a kind not experienced for several decades a kind the world thought had been permanently banished was foreseeable famine”.
This “return of famines” would not be possible without the participation of multinational corporations.
It is politics that execute the difference in times of famine. Food stocks are not significantly decreased as we might be thinking. Food is sold on the food market to those that can afford the higher prices. That is not the poor and rural populations of Africa, and this is done deliberately. Uneven distribution of food is a geopolitical decision, and that is the problem rather than the ratio of food to people. Also, wars and shifts in an industry that can create a vulnerable imbalance in a nation’s economy are important constituents. In developing nations, when the population quits farming to work in industry and technologies, food prices rise. A developing country with people struggling to raise its living standards would buy the cheapest food, and that is what Agro companies are glad to provide.
A political strategy used in collaboration with international food cartels is to undermine countries farming production creating dependence on imports. As small farms disappear, withholding food or raising prices can then be strategically used as a war strategy to coerce cooperation. The country’s resources are siphoned elsewhere by importing overpriced food that could be supplied from within. Control of an entire economy and the nation that relies on imports of food is easily accomplished. Not with war, but with food, or the lack of it. However, if it is a war that is wanted for a regime change, a hungry, rioting population certainly delivers.
貧困と社会崩壊は、過去 50 年間にわたる農業のグローバル化の背後にある目標です。
British neo-imperial plans for nation-states haven’t changed much. It is a policy that destroyed the most requirement for national survival: food self-sufficiency. In the U.S. aforementioned helped with the industrialization of agriculture and the invention of Agribusiness. With industrialized farming production of food had a lower and lower cost. In time small farmer disappeared and was replaced with food cartels. Now, the portion of the U.S. population that is self-sufficient and produces its own food is 2-3%, a shift from 1870 when it was between 70-80%. If something like the great depression strikes again, there would be no food for the vast amount of population that would depend on the government for survival. Food shortages seem remote and unreal in this land of plenty.
For “safety” reasons a heavily protested bill, S 510, The Food Safety Modernization Act was passed, and the intent is the same as policies in developing countries. To bury the small farmer. Additional concern over the bill is that the language allows for regulation over homegrown foods as well. The Food Safety Modernization Act looks like it is headed to become law. It is being hailed as a “breakthrough” achievement in food safety, and it would hand vast new powers and funding to the FDA so that it can clean up the food supply and protect all Americans from food-borne pathogens.
There’s just one problem with all this: It is all a big lie.
To survive into the future because of all of the overpopulation issue, the oligarchy is now “forced” to erect a global governing structure authorized to wield global governing instruments capable of maintaining “peace” among men, establishing harmony between man and nature, and of forging continuity between this and future generations. They must, in other words, consider not only what is good for us here and now but what is good for future generations and all life on earth and they must respond accordingly. Population control is the most urgent step needed of us here and now if we are to preserve our existence. Therefore, population control must and will be declared a Planetary Security Prerogative. Standard is a report by ten British writers, some of them from the U.K. Office of Science that represent government official policy, in Science magazine, “Food Security: The Challenge of Feeding 9 Billion People” (February 12, 2010). They conclude:
“Any optimism must be tempered by the enormous challenges of making food production sustainable while controlling greenhouse gas emission and conserving dwindling water supplies, as well as meeting the Millennium Development Goal of ending hunger…”
The necessity of feeding “9 billion people by 2050” has grown the be sick line expression for demanding still more globalization and more control. The crude estimation is that for today’s 6.8 billion people, around 4 billion tons of annual grain production is the level needed for adequate diets, in the form of personal cereals consumption, and for feeding the farm animals, and reserves. The underproduction of grains had a worsening additive effect.
これについて世界経済フォーラムは次のように述べています (https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/02/our-food-system-is-pushing-nature-to-the-brink-fourth-industrial-revolution/) そして、WEF やその他の国連経済フォーラム (WTO、世界銀行、IMF) は、大部分において、世界の優れた経済顧問や科学者が活動する公平な場所ではなく、単に公共の場にすぎないことをご存知ない方のために説明します。銀行カルテルの寡頭制:
“Like our planet, the food system is currently in the red; it is extracting more than can be sustained and we are pushing nature to the brink. Without concerted action, the environmental impact of the food system could increase by 50-90% by 2050. We can no longer think on ‘either-or’ lines – there is simply no sustainable alternative to a food system that ensures the health of people and planet.”
「人と地球」と環境問題全体が、再びこのプロパガンダを推進するために利用されてきました。環境はひどい状態にありますが、彼らが本当に気にしているのはそんなことではありません。これは WWF ウェブサイトからのインフォグラフィック イラストです。
Because of the demand for oil, the world’s grain and oilseed crops are going into biofuels. In the U.S., which alone produces around 40% of world corn (maize) production, 40% of the entire corn crop went for fuel ethanol. The International Institute for Sustainable Development estimates that the CO2 and climate benefits from replacing petroleum fuels with biofuels like ethanol are zero.
Biofuels do have direct, emissions that are typically 30–90% lower than those for gasoline or diesel fuels. However, since for some biofuels, indirect emissions that include land use change, water scarcity, loss of biodiversity, and nitrogen pollution through the excessive use of fertilizers can lead to greater total emissions than when using petroleum products. Around 60 nations have biofuel mandates, and the debate between ethanol and food has become a moral issue. In 2007, the global cost of corn doubled as a consequence of an outburst in ethanol production in the U.S. Because corn is the cheapest animal feed the price of dairy products, meat, eggs, and cereals rose as well. World grain reserves decreased to less than two months, the lowest level in over 30 years. Further unintended results from the rise in ethanol production incorporate the significant rise in land rents, the rise in natural gas and chemicals used for fertilizers, over-pumping of aquifers like the Ogallala, cutting even more forests to plant plants for fuel, return of harmful methods as edge tillage. Edge tillage is the practice of planting all the way to the edge of the field. This is bad because it removes protecting bordering plants and that results in chemical runoff from the field and soil erosion. It took 40 years to end edge tillage in the US.
ブラジルは輸入石油に大きく依存しており、そのため石油支配勢力からの政治的圧力を受けていた。自給自足のために、彼らはバイオ燃料を生産するための作物を植えることにしました。高収量のサトウキビが得られる熱帯気候の中で、政府は 1990 年代に世界で最も大規模な燃料エタノール プログラムを開発しました。高濃度のアルコールに耐えられるように遺伝子組み換えされた発酵菌で、現在では国内のサトウキビと大豆の生産に基づいてほぼ完全に燃料に依存しません。その結果、ブラジルはこれらの作物からバイオ燃料を生産するために、年間約100万エーカーの熱帯林を伐採している。その結果、これらのバイオ燃料を使用すると、石油燃料を使用した場合よりも炭素排出量が約 50% 多くなります。バイオ燃料システムの政治的押し付けは米国の能力を損なっている どこにでもある農地地帯と農業。現在、米国の伝統的なトウモロコシベルトでは、ハイテク農家、工業、地域の食料生産(牛乳、果樹園、多様な作物、肉用動物)の代わりに、モノカルチャー、輸入食品、そしてゴーストタウンがパターンとなっている。これらのモデルを強化するのは、肥料、農薬、加工、流通における巨大企業のカルテルの連動であり、WTO、世界銀行、IMF、およびロンドン中心の民間金融ネットワークとの政策に統合されています。企業の優位性がさらに高まり、少数の小規模農家が5社による国際貿易管理に依存している。そしてゴーストタウン。これらのモデルを強化するのは、肥料、農薬、加工、流通における巨大企業のカルテルの連動であり、WTO、世界銀行、IMF、およびロンドン中心の民間金融ネットワークとの政策に統合されています。企業の優位性がさらに高まり、少数の小規模農家が5社による国際貿易管理に依存している。そしてゴーストタウン。これらのモデルを強化するのは、肥料、農薬、加工、流通における巨大企業のカルテルの連動であり、WTO、世界銀行、IMF、およびロンドン中心の民間金融ネットワークとの政策に統合されています。企業の優位性がさらに高まり、少数の小規模農家が5社による国際貿易管理に依存している。
世界の穀物貿易全体は、カーギル、ADM、バンゲ、ドレフュス、そして世界の政治体制とその機関によって保護されているその他のごく少数の企業によって管理されています。たとえば、WTO の中心的な教義の 1 つがそれ自体を物語っています。
the decree that no nation has the right to seek food self-sufficiency, but instead, must operate on the definition of “food security” as “access to world markets.”
What this means is if you do not want economic suctions to be imposed by the US, EU, and others you must obey. This was declaration introduced in the GATT Uruguay Round (1984-94). It is a stealthy way to attack an individual and especially small developing countries and their national sovereignty. The establishing rules of the WTO justified its claim that member nations have no right to support their own farmers because that would be “depriving their citizenry” of the right to access superior world markets for potentially cheaper and better food. Controlled by a cartel of course. Behind this and other fallacies stand the same Anglo-imperial globalist banking and commodities cartels. The record of destruction is awful.
メキシコを良い例として取り上げましょう。1960年代、メキシコは食料純輸出国であり、水管理プロジェクト、原子力発電開発プログラム、成長する産業基盤が計画されていた。英国の統治下で常に食料不足にあったメキシコ政府と新興国家インドの協力を利用して、インドは1974年に穀物自給自足を実現した。自由貿易を口実にした1980年代の攻撃、そして1992年の攻撃により、これらすべては台無しになった。 NAFTA(北米自由貿易同盟)、そして最後に1995年のWTO。メキシコはトウモロコシと豆の生産を停止するよう要求され、その間ずっと輸入に依存するようになり、米国市場向けの冷凍食品や生鮮食品のカルテル輸出のための安価な労働力のアウトソーシング地帯として機能していた。今、飢餓がメキシコを襲っている。何百万人もの人々が仕事を求めて避難し、麻薬密売が行われ、死により残された農業が奪われつつある。これは英国の自由貿易農業プログラムの成功の結果です。
本からの抜粋ポキミツァ、ミロス ビーガンに行きますか?科学の復習パート 2. Kindle版、 アマゾン、2018年。
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– あなたはおそらくそれも好きでしょう –
ミロス・ポキミカは、自然医学の医師、臨床栄養士、医療健康と栄養のライター、栄養科学アドバイザーです。書籍シリーズの著者 ビーガンに行きますか?科学の復習また、自然健康サイト「GoVeganWay.com」を運営している。
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編集者のおすすめ –
ミロス・ポキミカは、自然医学の医師、臨床栄養士、医療健康と栄養のライター、栄養科学アドバイザーです。書籍シリーズの著者 ビーガンに行きますか?科学の復習また、自然健康サイト「GoVeganWay.com」を運営している。
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