Binge eating disorder- The psychology of hunger
In nature, there is no refined sugar or fat. Our brain had never been exposed to a combination of the two all at once forcing us into binge eating disorder.
In nature, there is no refined sugar or fat. Our brain had never been exposed to a combination of the two all at once forcing us into binge eating disorder.
China study showed that there is no heart disease or cancer or diabetes in undeveloped rural communities in the world with starch-based vegan diets.
Our natural optimal human diet is a diet that our hominin ancestors were eating for the last 30 million years, not anatomically modern humans in the Stone age.
A typical representation of Neanderthals pictures them as killing the woolly mammoth. However a dental plaque tells a different story about the Neanderthal diet
Are humans omnivores in a true anatomical sense? There is a fundamental difference in the way the digestive tract works in plant vs meat-eating species.
What is the cause of obesity epidemic? For all life on Earth, food is not a choice. The hardest thing for the animal in the wilderness is to gain weight.
Environmental toxicity is the bioaccumulation of toxins. Organisms are filters. But there is one more even worse process called biomagnification in food chain.
We evolved to receive a burst of protective antioxidants when we eat but there are not present in meat. Inflammation and diet have a high level of correlation.
Combining some amount of foraged meat to the predominantly vegan diet did not become a pivotal force in the emergence of human intelligence and brain size.
Humans evolved for 50 million years from plant-eating mammals. Hunting is not natural hominin activity. The Paleo diet only existed for the last 200,000 years.
Meat-eating is the culture that is learned. Actual carnivores would eat any meat no matter what it is, including carrion. In our system, we would eat only a few animals that we deem as food.