ミロス ポキミカ
によって書かれた: ミロス ポキミカ
医学的に検証した結果 Xiùying Wáng, M.D. 博士。
Updated 5月 7, 2023Maybe the worst case of medical suppression was the case of what I like to call broad specter resonance radiation technology (BSRR) first invented by Dr. Royal Raymond Rife. He did not name his invention this way. There was no name at the time except “The Rife machine.” I think that this name is an appropriate description of the technology.
To understand how the Rife machine works we have to go into physics and especially quantum mechanics. Most scientists to this day don’t understand the scientific background behind the Rife machine. They think that the Rife machine is some alternative quasi-scientific, unproven scam that is debunked easily. Because they do not understand the actual science behind it they label the Rife machine and even Rife himself as a quack that wanted to make a quick buck. All the usual slander that comes along in this kind of situation. In most cases even if they do understand the science behind the Rife machine it is so in the realm of scient fiction for most people that it is just rejected. In this article, I will review all of the science behind the Rife machine, and why the Rife machine was so dangerous that needed to disappear forever. Science itself is problematic to some because it goes against the perception of reality that some people might hold.
There is a big overlap in the meanings of “waves” and “radiation,” so this can also be a bit confusing. For a normal average individual to understand the technology, we will have to have a quick look into the basics of quantum mechanics and the nature of the universe or nature of the matter. Quantum mechanics is fundamental to explaining the functioning of systems at atomic length scales and smaller and is at the base of physics and defines the way that we comprehend the world scientifically.
私たちが世界を認識する方法を定義した量子力学と科学における最も重要な実験の 1 つは、二重スリット実験として知られる実験です。この実験は、私たちの世界を定義しただけでなく、これまでのところまだ「空中に」存在する科学における最大の問題を引き起こした実験でもあり、特に科学者であれば誰しもそれについて話したくないし、この主題を避けようとはしません。
If we have a barrier like a wall with two splits in it. Imagine throwing balls at the wall. Some will bounce off, but some will hit the slits. If there’s another wall behind the first, the balls that have gone through the slits will hit it. If you identify all the points where a ball has hit the other wall, what do you expect to see? Two strips of marks are approximately identical in appearance to the slits. So any time when you throw something that was made of atoms through the slits you will get two strips of marks roughly the same shape as the slits. So far so good.
しかし、2 つのスリットのある壁に光 (単一の色、つまり単一の波長) を照射した場合、または光だけでなく、電子や原子などの固体ではなく他の形態の波を照射した場合はどうなるでしょうか。 ? 壁には何が見えるでしょうか? 波が両方のスリットを通過するとき。
It basically divides into two new waves, each expanding out from one of the slits. The waves will interfere with each other. At some points, they will cancel each other out, and at others, where peak meets peak, they will reinforce each other and produce the strongest light. When the light goes through the slits you will see a stripe pattern on the second wall, many of the bright stripes are called an interference pattern. So when we shot solid matter, we get two stripes when we shot wave we get the interference pattern. So far so good.
それらは他のものと同じように物質なので、2 つのストリップだけを期待する必要があります。実際、スリットが 1 つだけあると、このようなことが起こります。一部の粒子が開いたスリットを通って移動し、2 番目の壁に衝突することがわかります。テニスボールと同じでした。到達したスポットは、スリットとほぼ同じ形状の帯を形成します。しかし、2番目のスリットを開けると、何か不自然なことが起こります。テニス ボールと同様に、2 番目の壁に 2 つの長方形のストリップがあると想定しますが、実際に見えるものは大きく異なります。電子が衝突したスポットが蓄積され、波からの干渉パターンが再現されます。したがって、再び 2 番目のスリットを開けると、波による不自然な干渉パターンが現れます。どうすればいいの?

科学者たちはこれを説明できなかったため、電子が何らかの形で互いに干渉し、電子が単独の場合と同じ場所に到達しないのではないかと理論立てました。これに対抗するために、彼らは個々の電子を一度に 1 つずつ発射する実験を行いました。しかし、電子を一個ずつ飛ばしていくと干渉縞はまだ続きます。
電子には干渉がありませんでした。奇妙なことに、個々の電子は、波の干渉パターンのように見える全体的なパターンに 1 つのドットを与えます。それでまたどうしてそうなるのでしょうか?
それは、私たちが認識するすべてのものは単なる幻想であり、実際には物質は私たちが固体として認識している単なる波であることを意味します。それは不可能であり、説明するか、宗教を再定義する必要があります。各電子がどういうわけか分裂し、両方のスリットを同時に通過し、自身と干渉し、その後再結合して単一の局在粒子として 2 番目のスクリーンに到達するのでしょうか?
And that is when the seriousness comes in. Like it is already not enough that matter equally doesn’t exist and that everything is just the wave but wait there is more.
そうすれば、スリットの近くに検出器を置くと、検出器のスクリーン上のパターンが 2 つのストリップの粒子パターンに変わります。干渉縞が消えます。どういうわけか、観察するという行為は、電子が行儀の良い小さなテニスボールのように移動することを確認します。彼らは自分たちが観察されていることを知っており、規則的な固体物質のパターンを形成しました。
何らかの形の知性による観察という行為は、電子 (またはその他の物質) を強制的に固体の形にします。
So all the matter is actually the wave and let’s say “download” itself into the matter when observed by inelegance. So any matter has duality in itself. The famous wave-particle duality of quantum mechanics defines our way of scientifically looking at the universe. However, scientists do not tell it all. They do not like this experiment too much because even today it is a big “mystery” of quantum mechanics. A scientist will say when asked that it is just a measurement problem of quantum mechanics. However, it is not. They are scared of it; they do not have an explanation that can go along with an acceptable way of looking at things, so they ignore the experiment.
For example, a scientist at Washington University found that quasi-measurements cause the Zeno effect possibly explaining why the particles do not form an interference pattern if one detects which slit they pass through, but somehow they seem to be leaving out the fact that the difference occurs only when being actively observed. Scientists may ignore the findings, but they still accept the results of what they call the dualistic nature of matter. What we accept as “particles,” such as electrons, somehow combine the characteristics of particles and the characteristics of waves.
したがって、物質が単なる波である場合、その物質は波のすべての特性を備えていることになります。波の高さは振幅と呼ばれ、ある波の特定の点から次の波の同じ点までの距離は波長と呼ばれ、最も重要なのは、毎秒通過する波の数は周波数fと呼ばれます。周波数はヘルツ(Hz)という単位でランク付けされます。波が速く伝わるほど、その周波数は高くなりますが、波長は短くなります。同じ周波数の波が接触すると、より大きな振幅、または必要に応じてより大きなエネルギーを持つ 1 つの波に結合されます。
それを共鳴といいます。これは、「Rife Machine」がどのように機能するかを理解するために重要です。
A well-known model is a playground swing, which works like a pendulum. Pushing a child in a swing in time with the natural interval of the swing (its resonant frequency) produces the swing going higher and higher (maximum amplitude). This is because the energy the swing absorbs is maximized when the pushes match the swing’s natural oscillations. So if the matter is just the wave then what defines different matter? Well as it turns out the lower the frequency the density of the matter is stronger. And every molecule has its own frequency in which it can resonate.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”
If the frequency of one wave is extremely different than the frequency of another wave they will not just resonate, but they will not ever interact with each other at all. The two can occupy the same time and space. A good example is the waves that go into your cell phone. You can go inside the solid building but you will still have the signal on your phone, and the waves will go through the walls literally. However, if you have resonance, you can combine the energies to make some “destruction.” Balanced twisting that was produced in the 1940 failure of “Galloping Gertie,” the original Tacoma Narrows Bridge, is characterized as an example of a resonance phenomenon. Armies have to break the step when crossing over the bridges. Alternatively, you can yell at the wine glass to shatter it. Voice can hit the resonance of glass at 550 Hz. It is in the human voice range. Such a strong, solid form like glass can shatter just from the sound.
地球そのものも含め、あらゆるものには周波数があります。それはシューマン共鳴として知られています。誰かが地球にシューマン共鳴の周波数の波を照射すると何が起こると思いますか? 地球との共鳴が起こり、十分なエネルギーが送られると、そのエネルギーは自然に散逸することができず蓄積し始め、最終的には人工的に作成された地震の形で放出されます。
First, artificially created earthquake was created back in 1898 by Nicola Tesla. Besides all of the credited work and all of the work that other “great scientists” stole from him he was also credited to have worked on unknown energy sources, being contacted by UFOs, caused the Tunguska explosion by a death ray, and even worked on an earthquake-generator. Tesla said the oscillator was around 7 inches (18 cm) long and weighed one or two pounds; something “you could put in your overcoat pocket.” At one point while experimenting with the oscillator, he alleged it generated a resonance in several buildings causing complaints to the police. What happened was that he placed his tiny vibrator in his coat pocket and went out to seek a half-erected steel building. He found one in the Wall Street district. It was just steel and didn’t have a brick. He assembled the device to one of the beams. Tesla said that eventually the structure began to creak and weave and the steel workers came to the ground panic-stricken, believing that there had been an earthquake. Police and an ambulance were called. Ten minutes more and he would have laid the building to the street with something that you can put in your pocket. That is the power of resonance. However, his “telegeodynamics” system never managed to get beyond the prototype, but he also imagined using the oscillations generated by his device to prospect the underground. It is just this basic idea that modern seismologists use.
今日、私たちは医療でも共鳴を利用しています。たとえば、水中の水素原子は単なる陽子です。陽子は、(MRI 装置の巨大な磁場の内部で) 振動する共鳴周波数を持っています。そしてその共振周波数は無線範囲内にあります。したがって、MRI 装置の中にいるときは、電波が体内の水に当たり、陽子 (水素原子) が同じ周波数で振動 (共鳴) します。振動する陽子は独自の無線信号を発し、その信号は水っぽい脚、脳、腹部の画像を構築するために使用されます。磁性があります。それは共鳴です。それはイメージングです。MRI。
あるいは、陽子の周波数の代わりに、水自身の水分子の周波数で水を衝突させることもできます。これにより結合が破壊され、H2O から水素と酸素が分離されます。通常の電気分解よりも数百倍効率が高い電気分解です。非常に効率的であるため、これだけで車を走らせることができるという特許や主張がいくつかあると考えられます。水力自動車について聞いたことがありますか?おそらくそうではありませんが、発明者スタン・マイヤーズによってデューン・バギーと呼ばれていました。彼はガレージで共鳴を実験し、水分子を破壊するために通常の電気分解の代わりにBSRRを使用しました。国防総省はそのプロジェクトに多大な関心を示した。彼らはそれを調査するために何人かの部下さえ送りました。
He drove his Dune Buggy for a news report on an Ohio TV station and also calculated that from Los Angeles to New York it will use 22 gallons of water. Supposedly. There is no documented evidence that the system provides sufficient hydrogen to run an engine. Philip Ball, writing in the academic journal Nature, characterized Meyer’s claims as pseudoscience, noting that:
“It’s not easy to establish how Meyer’s car was meant to work, except that it involved a fuel cell that was able to split water using less energy than was released by recombination of the elements …”.
疑似科学ではないのはお金でした。彼は、特許と裕福な投資家から離れるための10億ドル以上の賄賂を提供された。B で 10 億。彼は拒否しました。
He wanted to put his invention into commercial use and was Christian and didn’t like “one world government” and wanted to give people self-sufficiency. Stanley Meyer departed suddenly on March 21, 1998, after eating at a restaurant. Conspiracy theorists insist that he was killed to suppress the technology and that the United States government were involved in his death. His brother claimed that during a meeting with two Belgian investors in a restaurant: “Stanley took a sip of cranberry juice. Then he grabbed his neck, bolted out the door, dropped to his knees and vomited violently. I ran outside and asked him, ‘What’s wrong?’ “. He said: “They poisoned me” and died.
Mayer’s water fuel cell was later examined by three expert witnesses in court who found there was nothing revolutionary about the cell at all and it was simply using conventional electrolysis, but it is possible that they did not understand the technology behind the double slit experiment. To date, no one reproduced his technology commercially, or at least that I know of.
There are just a couple more cases of individual inventors who made water cars with a similar approach like Herman P. Anderson who actually used a little bit different approach and deuterium (heavy water) was essential to his fuel cell. Herman was consulted with Nasa and the US Airforce on some of the country’s most important Top Secret Projects including the first US satellite in space, the SR-71 Blackbird, the Stealth Fighter/Bomber, and Star Wars. Herman worked closely with Nazi operation paperclip refugee Dr. Wernher von Braun testing hydrogen-powered rocket engines, and he also worked with engineers at the now famous Skunk Works, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, JPL, and Cal Tech. The government of the State of Tennessee allowed him to drive his water-powered car but had forbidden him to try to use his invention commercially. In any normal free country, he would be glorified as the man who freed the world from poverty. And yes most of our modern economy depends on energy consumption. With free energy, there would be no poverty and no environmental destruction, but there would also be an uncontrollable independent, self-sufficient population with no interest in war or obedience to corporate overloads and government. Imagine a world where energy is free and out of governmental control. There is one more individual case in Japan. They produced a water-powered car in 2008 that only runs on air and water. You can see it in the picture.

It is not a salt water battery electric car that is available commercially today, but again one more real water-powered car. Not surprisingly, there has been little to no coverage of this car in America or anywhere else. There was another good quote from Tesla’s life when he was confronted by J.P Morgan for his free wireless electric energy tower experiments. He said to him:
あるいは、HIV についてはどうでしょうか?
In November 1931, Dr. Milbank Johnson called forty-four Los Angeles area doctors to his home in Pasadena, California to acknowledge Rife for the work he was performing. Dr. Royal Rife was acknowledged as the man who ended all diseases that ever existed. Well, at least the ones that are infectious and can be bombarded with resonance. The banquet was even called “The End of All Disease.”

本からの抜粋ポキミツァ、ミロス ビーガンに行きますか?科学の復習パート 2. Kindle版、 アマゾン、2018年。
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– あなたはおそらくそれも好きでしょう –

ミロス・ポキミカは、自然医学の医師、臨床栄養士、医療健康と栄養のライター、栄養科学アドバイザーです。書籍シリーズの著者 ビーガンに行きますか?科学の復習また、自然健康サイト「GoVeganWay.com」を運営している。
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編集者のおすすめ –
ミロス・ポキミカは、自然医学の医師、臨床栄養士、医療健康と栄養のライター、栄養科学アドバイザーです。書籍シリーズの著者 ビーガンに行きますか?科学の復習また、自然健康サイト「GoVeganWay.com」を運営している。
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