Go Vegan Review of Science Book Series
Milos Pokimica, N.D.
Go Vegan Review of Science Part 1
In the first part of the series, I have analyzed all of the shifts and time periods in our evolution so that we could have a logical understanding what is evolutionary congruent diet with our own nature and how abrupt shifts in the way we live and eat can cause cascading of negative health implications known as chronic illnesses and diseases of affluence. I reviewed all available science behind diabetes, cancer, obesity, cardiovascular disease, and all other maladaptations to our current habitat shaped by the Industrial Revolution.
Finding food in almost every environment is what made us adaptable and made us spread across the world but we use technology, and our bodies evolved over the time period counting in millions of years so the big question emerges: What are we adapted to eating, not what we can eat? In the last chapter, I have analyzed all of the toxicity that exists in the current environment.
Real problem is that If we abuse our body, it is already too late when we get the first signs of chronic diseases like heart disease or cancer. Animals including humans eat impulsively because the brain is conditioned to do it for survival. Food had always been a scarce resource in nature. Today we have a never-ending stream of animal products that we are not evolutionarily adapted to eat and a never-ending stream of processed foods that we are not evolutionarily adapted to eat at all. Food is not just a source of nutrients. It is a drug and the source of self-gratification. Is veganism the answer? Science is here, and the answers are here.Go Vegan Review of Science Part 2
Nobody in the profit-driven enterprise will have the interest to spend hundreds of millions of dollars in research and development and then tell you the whole truth about nutrition and keep you healthy except you.
It is only your job and nobody else’s. It is not the job of your doctor. What MD is going to do is to write you the prescription, and if anything goes wrong, he is also considering how to protect himself from liability. That is his real job. Even if he wanted to spend time on you, he would have a hard time because the doctors themselves do not know what the truth is. Furthermore, even if there is some real cure the intention will be to silence it. Just cancer treatment drugs made the industry $150billion in 2019. And that is without an endless chain of support therapies.
Another part of the problem we face in medicine is philosophical.
For scientific medicine, life is just the rearrangement of dead atoms. Because our bodies are just machines we treat diseases, in the same manner, we treat broken cars. We have interventional treatments. This is the belief system you will get in hospitals. This philosophy has a detrimental effect. Doctors do not treat diseases at all. They treat symptoms.
The reason we don’t see real education about nutrition and the influence that diet has on our life and health is the same reason we don’t see ads on TV for kale and carrots. Groundbreaking research on the power of foods and eating patterns is buried in the medical literature deliberately and by intention. Doctors by intention get little if any formal nutrition training in medical school. They have to be dietitians or scientist who research specific fields of biology and biochemistry to get the whole scope of knowledge that exist in the literature. And the reason is simple. There’s no profit in kale.
In the second part of the series, I have analyzed the entire history of medical and food cartels. I have done a complete analysis of the modern health care system so that we can have an objective understanding of why there is so much controversy in the field of nutrition.
The underlying interest of the medical industry has caused a situation where a part of the problem is that individuals who want to make the correct dietary choices are faced with a deluge of confusing and conflicting nutritional advice. Research has been available for more than five decades but still, we have a situation where diet wars are waging. In reality, even if you ask a nutritional expert why is a vegan diet associated with a lower risk of heart attack, cancer, diabetes, and all other diseases of affluence most likely he would not know the real answer.
Go Vegan Review of Science Part 3
When plants absorb sunlight, they will store that light as chemical energy in the form of sugar or oil. If animals want to live and want to consume or extract that stored chemical energy from plants by consuming them, they will have to consume all of the other chemicals that are present in the plants also.
In nature, food is a package deal. All for the price of one.
These chemicals that are present in the tissues of plants are known as phytochemicals. Different herbivore species will eat different plants and in time they will adapt their organism to different chemicals that are found in that particular plant. In time adaptation will be so complete that animals would not be able to live without some of the phytochemicals that are produced by the plants that they are eating. In that case, these chemicals would become essential for life as much as sugar or oil are and are known as vitamins. Vita means life. Before vitamins became essential for the life of different species, they were just one more phytochemical. Besides vitamins, there are thousands of different phytochemicals that are not vitamins but are still important to a lesser or higher degree.
Phytochemicals are needed because in our normal evolution our body adapted at consuming a large amount of them. There will be a lot of health issues if we don’t have an adequate phytochemical intake. If we don’t consume vitamins, we will die, but if we don’t consume an adequate amount of antioxidants we will not die. We will have higher inflammation that would lead to chronic disease and then we will die from some illness like cancer.
Standard American Diet (SAD) is so sad that the number one antioxidant in it is coffee. We have changed our diet completely. Today most of the calories come from fat, sugar, refined flour, meat, eggs, and dairy, and where are the antioxidants? Nowhere. And where are inflammation and cancer? Everywhere.
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