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The goal of GoVeganWay is to bring to you, and your doctor, the latest research in the field of nutritional science. The goal of GoVeganWay is to represent evidence-based health research in a way that is easy to understand so that we can all benefit from the available science.

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Refined Sugar: Understanding the Risks
Refined Sugar: Understanding the Risks
Children consume around one-fifth of their total calorie needs from just refined sugar. If we add fat and the rest of nutrition-deprived processed foods to the list it becomes a complete nutrition nightmare.
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Calorie restriction, Autophagy, Longevity, and Muscle loss
Calorie restriction, Autophagy, Longevity, and Muscle loss
We all want a substantial amount of muscle mass and fast metabolism so that we can eat more but autophagy is what is in line with evolutionary biology.
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Vitamin D deficiency- The optimization strategies
Vitamin D deficiency- The optimization strategies
With vitamin D deficiency we will suffer from a wide range of health issues even if we don’t have a directly visible bone disease.
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Arsenic exposure and meat consumption- The “Poison-Free” Poultry Act
Arsenic exposure and meat consumption- The “Poison-Free” Poultry Act
In the US more than three-quarters of arsenic exposure comes from animal products and mostly from chicken than from beef, pork, hot dogs, eggs, and milk.
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Pesticide Exposure in Children: Real-Life Exposure Tests
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Children and especially pregnant women are more vulnerable to pesticide exposure. If we test the real-world exposure levels, what would the result be?
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Anticancer Power of Fruits and Vegetables: In Vivo and Clinical Evidence
Some vegetable extracts rival leading chemotherapy drugs and at the same time target multiple different types of cancer cells.
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China study- The vegan argument
China study- The vegan argument
China study showed that there is no heart disease or cancer or diabetes in undeveloped rural communities in the world with starch-based vegan diets.
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The tale of Big Pharma- IG Farben
The part of Rockefeller monopoly on chemical and medicine industries came into fulfillment after WW2. Standard Oil and IG Farben cooperation made this into reality.
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Minnesota Starvation Experiment: Why dieting makes us fat. The Psychology of Hunger.
Minnesota Starvation Experiment: Why dieting makes us fat. The Psychology of Hunger.
One of the first scientific studies on what hunger does to the mind was observed in a study remembered as the Minnesota Starvation Experiment.
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mcgovern report-front page
The McGovern Report- Special Interest and The Suppression of Science
In 1977 the push for a change of Dietary Guidelines (McGovern Report) to more plant-based vegan one had been introduced to U.S. Congress.
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Sulforaphane Benefits: Detoxifying Superpower of Broccoli
Sulforaphane Benefits: Detoxifying Superpower of Broccoli
Sulforaphane is the most potent natural phase 2 enzyme-inducer know to science. It is also an inhibitor of carcinogen-induced tumorigenesis.
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Pesticides in Food, Exposure in The Standard American Diet- 80 Percent From Meat
Pesticides in Food, Exposure in The Standard American Diet- 80 Percent From Meat
More than 80 percent of pesticides in food exposure in the standard American diet comes from animal products, not from fruits or vegetables.
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Environmental toxicity- It is just a food chain
Environmental toxicity- It is just a food chain
Environmental toxicity is the bioaccumulation of toxins. Organisms are filters. But there is one more even worse process called biomagnification in food chain.
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The balance of medical branches remained equal to about the turn of the 20th century when new medical treatments emerged that were potentially very profitable.
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The humans omnivores dilemma- Meat consumption, probiotic bacteria, inflammation, and the gut
The humans omnivores dilemma- Meat consumption, probiotic bacteria, inflammation, and the gut
Are humans omnivores in a true anatomical sense? There is a fundamental difference in the way the digestive tract works in plant vs meat-eating species.
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garlic wallpaper
Anticancer Power of Fruits and Vegetables: In Vivo and Clinical Evidence
Some vegetable extracts rival leading chemotherapy drugs and at the same time target multiple different types of cancer cells.
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China study- The vegan argument
China study- The vegan argument
China study showed that there is no heart disease or cancer or diabetes in undeveloped rural communities in the world with starch-based vegan diets.
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Inflammation and diet- Vegan argument
Inflammation and diet- Vegan argument
We evolved to receive a burst of protective antioxidants when we eat but there are not present in meat. Inflammation and diet have a high level of correlation.
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Optimal Human Diet- Chronic Diseases, Diet Wars, and the Vegan Argument
Optimal Human Diet- Chronic Diseases, Diet Wars, and the Vegan Argument
Our natural optimal human diet is a diet that our hominin ancestors were eating for the last 30 million years, not anatomically modern humans in the Stone age.
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Obesity Risk Factors
Obesity Risk Factors
What are the associated obesity risk factors? For all life on the planet Earth, except for us, food is not a choice.
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Cause of Obesity- Maladaptation or addiction
Cause of Obesity- Maladaptation or addiction
What is the cause of obesity epidemic? For all life on Earth, food is not a choice. The hardest thing for the animal in the wilderness is to gain weight.
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Pesticide Exposure in Children: Real-Life Exposure Tests
Pesticide Exposure in Children: Real-Life Exposure Tests
Children and especially pregnant women are more vulnerable to pesticide exposure. If we test the real-world exposure levels, what would the result be?
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Brain size, intelligence and meat consumption- The vegan argument
Brain size, intelligence and meat consumption- The vegan argument
Combining some amount of foraged meat to the predominantly vegan diet did not become a pivotal force in the emergence of human intelligence and brain size.
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