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The goal of GoVeganWay is to bring to you, and your doctor, the latest research in the field of nutritional science. The goal of GoVeganWay is to represent evidence-based health research in a way that is easy to understand so that we can all benefit from the available science.

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Milk and Dairy: Health Risk Correlations
Milk and Dairy: Health Risk Correlations
Known associations with milk and dairy consumption are infertility, ovarian and breast cancer, leukemia, diabetes type 1, autism, arteriosclerosis, cataract, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, hyperactivity, congestion, pimples, and more...
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How to Fast: Fasting Foods That Won’t Break Autophagy
To keep us in fasting mode the blood sugar should not get too much higher than 100 mg/dL and if it goes to 120 the autophagy is suspended. Fasting foods are limited to 20 calories per serving.
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Binge eating disorder- The psychology of hunger
Binge eating disorder- The psychology of hunger
In nature, there is no refined sugar or fat. Our brain had never been exposed to a combination of the two all at once forcing us into binge eating disorder.
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Protein Requirements- Inconvenient truth
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When anthropologist studies showed that hominins lived on average of 15 to 20 grams of protein a day there was a so-called a "Great protein fiasco" back in the 1970s.
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We are not smartest species if we scientifically measure animal cognition. The long-finned pilot whale neocortical brain part contains more neurons than our own.
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Vitamin C
Intravenous Vitamin C in the Treatment of Influenza: Living Proof from Clinical Practice
When you want intravenous vitamin C administered in the hospital, you don't tell your doctor. Instead, you tell your lawyer to tell your doctor, in writing.
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Fish toxicity- The most toxic meat
Fish toxicity- The most toxic meat
Pollution is washed away and will end up in the ocean eventually and algae filter the water starting the bioaccumulation process. Fish toxicity is a big concern.
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Cooked meat bacteria endotoxemia- Inflammation and diet
Cooked meat bacteria endotoxemia- Inflammation and diet
Are humans omnivores in a true anatomical sense? There is a fundamental difference in the way the digestive tract works in plant vs meat-eating species.
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Cosmetics toxicity exposure- Health risks assessment
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Currently, there are more than 84,000 ingredients used in cosmetics. More than 12,000 of them are industrial chemicals used as cosmetic ingredients.
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Arsenic exposure and rice consumption- The most toxic grain of them all
Arsenic exposure and rice consumption- The most toxic grain of them all
From all known food sources rice absorbs the highest concentration of arsenic among all commonly eaten foods.
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Air Pollution Exposure- Health Risks and Prevention Strategies
Air Pollution Exposure- Health Risks and Prevention Strategies
In India alone, around half a million people die each year due to air pollution. Air pollution resulting in death is just one part of the overall problem.
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Tap water toxicity- Risk assessment
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If we are living in a city where we are sure that the tap water is pure this still does not mean that the water is “pure”.
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The Anatomy of Cancer- Health risk correlations
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Vitamin D- More than just your bones
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Vitamin D is not a vitamin. It is a prohormone, a steroid with a hormone-like activity that regulates about 3% of the human genome.
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Detoxification – A Scientific Review
Detoxification – A Scientific Review
There are programs of dieting designed to help reduce inflammation and overall body toxicity and increase detoxification that are backed by science.
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essential oil
Essential Oils as Antioxidant Supplements: Rules and Strategies
Food-grade essential oils can be a convenient and consumer-friendly strategy for optimizing the antioxidant value and ORAC scores of our diet.
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Complete Protein: IGF-1 Signaling in Cancer Formation
Complete Protein: IGF-1 Signaling in Cancer Formation
When you eat animal protein you have four times the chance to develop all types of cancer. When you smoke you have a four-time chance to develop lung cancer.
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Detoxification and pregnancy toxicity exposure risk- The vegan argument
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Pregnancy toxicity exposure level for an average woman is tested to be around 35 different chemicals including both banned and contemporary contaminants.
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Antioxidant Power of Spices: In Vivo Results with Realistic Dosages
Cloves, ginger, rosemary, turmeric significantly stifle inflammation while black pepper, cayenne, cinnamon, cumin, oregano, paprika, heated turmeric do nothing.
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Milk and Dairy: Health Risk Correlations
Milk and Dairy: Health Risk Correlations
Known associations with milk and dairy consumption are infertility, ovarian and breast cancer, leukemia, diabetes type 1, autism, arteriosclerosis, cataract, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, hyperactivity, congestion, pimples, and more...
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Alcohol health risks- The “French paradox”, “the wine”, and “in moderation”
Somehow we believe that one glass of wine is not all that bad, or even worse, we believe in alcohol health-promoting myth because of the grape's antioxidants.
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High Protein Diet and Metabolic Acidosis: Health Risks Correlations
High Protein Diet and Metabolic Acidosis: Health Risks Correlations
Low levels of metabolic acidosis is a common occurrence in the standard American diet. Most people are in a state of chronic acidosis and are not aware of it.
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